A Dragon out of Time, A Crash and...by Marcus R
The story of how Crash raised Spyro into adulthood, after trips back in time to collect Power Crystals has him save a stolen Dragon Egg. Despite better judgment, seeing...
Spyro: Everyone is hereby Reality can jump off a toast
Title subject to change.
Spyro's got some things to do, but he won't be doing them alone. In fact, there are plenty of friends to help him out. Flame the Magic Crafter...
To Begin Againby Siran Strom
Silence, peaceful silence. Then a purple light. Then a ripping and grinding sound as the entire world was shoved back into place. A new Chronicler. Two dragons chasing o...
Dragoneer's Grandiose Adventure - 1by QuantumAxolotl
Uploaded to Wattpad because I'm having errors with Fanfiction.net.
This was written some time ago. (technically my first ever fanfiction)
The story itself was never pro...