Famous Last Words

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When Maggie Greene was four years old, she learned how to read the small words on her wrist.
"Maggie, I will find you."
She asked her father what this meant, and he told her that those were going to be the last words she hears from someone very special. He told her that most people, including himself only had words like, "No," or "I love you," so she was very special.
On her sixteenth birthday, she got her first boyfriend. He wasn't anything special. He was a farmer too, and they had gone to church together since they were little. The farmer's daughter felt nothing when they kissed, and dumped him within that month.
When she was eighteen, she decided to talk to her half-sister, Beth about their tattoos. Beth had the words, "It's okay" in red ink on her collarbone. Beth talked about a cute boy in her middle school, and how he had to be her soulmate, but Maggie somehow knew that neither of them had met them yet.
Glenn Rhee didn't seem to be anyone special when he first came to the farm with his group, but over time, she began to get butterflies in her stomach whenever she saw him.
When he proposed, she knew that he was the one.
When they were separated after the prison attack, she was scared to death that the Korean would utter the words that haunted her. When she saw him again in the tunnel, her happiness was dulled when she realized that this wouldn't be the last time they would be separated.
Maggie screamed and cried when she saw Daryl carrying her sister's lifeless body from the hospital. She didn't notice an unfamiliar face (who she'd learn the name of later) crying and grasping his neck as the words, "I get it now", burned his skin.
As she kneeled before a man called Negan, the farmer's daughter clutched her belly in agony. Beads of sweat trickled down her forehead and tears sprung from her eyes as she watched her friend be brutally murdered by the crazy man with a bat. She felt sick at the sense of relief she felt when The monster picked Abraham. "At least it wasn't Glenn," she thought.
That relief was short lived and the brunette's life turned upside down when Negan brought his bat down on her husband. Her mouth hung open, and she couldn't let out a scream as she watched the love of her life gurgle and gasp for air. She could see his brain, and one of his eyes was sticking out. The couple locked eyes, and Maggie tried to squeeze everything she wanted to say to him with just one look. He could see it all. They both thought about their short life together and how wonderful it was. Then he came upon the memory of the first time he was separated from her at the prison. The man sputtered as his lips moved to form words.
"Maggie, I will find you."
She sobbed as the words burned her wrist and watched the man with the red scarf kill the last person she deeply loved. The pregnant woman looked down at the ground and repeated his last words, his promise, in her mind. She knew that if there was a life after death, he would find her there. This thought made more tears come from Maggie's eyes. He had loved her so much. His last words were to her and only for her. She held her wrist, running her fingers along her smooth skin. Maggie Rhee spent the rest of the night tracing the letters on her arm and letting her tears fall.
A/N: This is one of the first fanfictions I have released to the public, so constructive criticism is needed! Sorry if it's bad. I've been putting off writing this for forever, and I may have rushed it a little. Oh well. Thanks for reading this.

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