•oh sht im kidnapped•

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Sorry for not updating in like 5 years but I realized we got 600 views so wtf

'That was such a lit party... ' huuhhh

"Where am I?" I mumbled aloud. Ugh.. My head hurts so bad

I-i-i- I've got a migraine...

"Heyyyy danny~pie" I heard a voice that I could only assume was coming from the dark corner.

"I see you're awake. So... What we're you doing last night? " said the high pitched voice again. Honestly, I don't really remember anything last night except-" I trail off. I don't want to say y/ns name to some random person.

So I stayed quiet.

"I asked... What did you do last night?" I think she was a girl. "I went to... A bar I think." I didn't want to get hurt.

"Oh really? I did too, oh yeah, I saw you." She said in slightly insane voice. "What?" I ask quietly. Maybe they took me to their house because they didn't want me to get hurt... I was probably drunk.

"Oh yeah- I remember LOOTTSSS of it." She said.

"What do you mean?"

My mind went to the worst place possible, had I been kidnapped? Was I so drunk I had s- STOP

U thought

"I mean, you obviously have a thing for me since we had BLEEP"

Wow Dan such a hoe XD jk

What. How.  No it can't be. I don't believe it....

"NO!" I yell out.  I have y/n and I refuse to believe even if I was drunk I would do that.

"Ahh...Yes I'm afraid so. One of the best nights of my life to be truly honest."

"Who are you?" I ask.

Then, may steps out of the darkness.' No no no nopety nope no'.  I thought. It can't be.

"You are crazy!" I yell at her. I'm disgusted... At myself. I got to drunk, and i- I don't want to even think about it. It makes me sick...


Sup dudes. I know I haven't updated in like a month but I've been pretty busy but I will try to update more when I can. You guys are liking the story since we have 600 views so ty solo muuchoo grande. Oh and Trump won so I'm pissed lmao

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