Die Beautiful

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My life is over,

I want to die.

See you never.

Here's my final goodbye.

That was my poem. And it was true. I wanted to die. Of suicide. Of murder. Car accident. Drowning... I was desperate.

I stared out the window of my bedroom looking at a two hundred and fifty-eight year old tree when I heard something hit the window. I looked down more to see my boyfriend, Jeremy.

I ran outside and embraced him. I could tell he was shocked at first but he hugged back.

" Remmie, what's wrong? Are you okay?" when he saw the tears running down my face he hugged me again and sat me down on the bench on my porch.

" Jere, I want to die. I don't want to live in this stupid world anymore it has nothing in it for me." I said looking deep into his eyes. I could tell he was shocked and disappointed.

" Remmie why would you every think of that. You have no need to die. If anything you~"

" Yes I do, Jeremy. This place has nothing for me. I love you, I really do. I want to be with you forever, trust me. But I just don't love this world like I love you."

" And that's okay. But there is no need for you to leave me forever. If you don't like it here we can leave. We can pack up and leave. We don't have to leave a note. Heck, we don't need to bring anything. Maybe money, but we dot have to stay here. We can leave and never turn back, ever. Remmie I need you. You have to stay. You can't leave me. You're the only thing I care about. You need to stay with me, please Remmie that's all I ask."

" You know my parents will dig up the world if I left. The would murder me then come after you. And I don't want you hurt or in pain because of me. It's better if I just~" With that he kissed me with the most passionate kiss ever. I was shocked at first but went with it and kissed back. After a while I could barely breathe but I didn't care. Then I heard my name called from across the street. I pulled back from the kiss and turned around to see my dad with my arms crossed looked super mad.

" Remmie, get in the house, now!"

I turned to a frightened Jeremy who looked from my father back to me and stared at me with loving eyes that were telling me to go. I started across the street and heard a loud honk as I reached the middle of the street. I stopped dead in my tracks as I heard my dad and Jeremy screaming my name. Jeremy tried to come after me and prevent the car from hitting me, but it was to late. The next thing I knew I heard sirens and saw blood in the eyes as I was being carried into an ambulance.

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