Chapter 3

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It is rightly said that what goes around comes back around. You treat someone like shit and you are gonna be dumped like shit.

Being the queen was the most pleasant and beautiful job on this whole planet. You command the people, you rule, you get respected.

2 days ago, I was crowned as the queen. And changes were already been noticed in the now different Kingdom of Lavaneia.

The years abandoned women were really happy that you could see them grinning everytime. It was like, a revolution had suddenly taken place. All I could see around me, were women sitting on the chairs of the council ministers. Each women grinning so much, that for seconds, I thought that their face will tear apart.

I looked at my sharp nails and that's when a thought ran into my mind. Oh gawd! How on this earth did I forget this?

Time to get into action queen Nathalia!!

"Mirhiam and Stacey." I ensured my voice was loud and both my public ministers ran upto me in seconds.

"Go get in as much as men you can. Tell them, their favourite queen has called them."

The 2 went and I saw some of the women ministers smirking. If they knew how to read minds!

Boy, this is gonna attract some fun.


"I don't want anybody to make any noise or stuff like that in between of the process. If someone is caught, you all know the consequences."

Everybody had their heads bowed down and a feeling of superiority again empowered the woman spirit inside every vein of my body.

"Today, the Queen commands entertainment. Each and every man is gonna perform something and try to make me and the women sitting here laugh. If you happen to succeed, you will be pardoned. But if the opposite happens, your heads will be shaved."

Each and every man raised their heads towards me in an immediate shocked reaction. A smirk made its way on my face.

"But, the first man to go up, won't be anyone of you." With this, frown covered every male's faces. "Instead.." I trailed and nodded at one of my ministers. She ran and brought back with her, the man of the earth. My uncle Greg.

"It will be my uncle Greg to get the honours. Come on uncle, entertain the ladies or get your head shaved." I could already see the sweat forming on his face as he looked terrified. The whole silence crowd was adding more to the trauma.

My eyes narrowed towards him and I yelled,"Right now. No one is asking you. I am ordering you dumbfuck."

As a reflex action, he immediately made his way towards the centre of the hall. He was facing me, while his back had the opportunity of facing the crowd. Left and right, were my ministers, each one, having a smirk on their faces.

I gave him a death stare and that's when his hands suddenly started moving. For moments I was wondering what he is doing, but then I realised he is dancing. It was a bit funny but nothing that could make us laugh.

He started shaking his fat belly. That sure had me smiling but still nothing that could have us laughing.

"You know that this is not even close to funny right?" I said over the air as he stopped and looked at me with those scared and horrified eyes. I bit my lower lip and eyed him like a prey.

"How about I give u a easy option to make us laugh?" When no one replied, I continued,"The queen today wishes to see the form of a man in which the Lord had send him. That is, the Queen wishes to see you completely naked and that too right now."

A single tear left his fake eyes of a pussy body. My ministers laughed in reply and I am sure, by now, terror and fear of massive humiliation had crept inside each and every dick in the palace.

"Right now." I screamed and he immediately took of his shirt. My facial features relaxed as I eyed the man with an evil grin. Slowly, the black jeans went down and all I could see was an underwear. I tried my best to hold back a laughter.

He had slapped me like anything all these years. And dad couldn't say a word, because of the traditions of women being silent. I had suffered a lot. Now, fate has changed the positions.

He started crying and I gave him my meanest look. With trembling and shaking hands, he slid his underwear down. And with that, most of the men in the crowd, also bowed down their head in complete shock.

My ministers were having their fun, when I nodded my head at Chansey, the head minister. She immediately brought a black cloth and with this, she rushed towards the naked and crying uncle Greg.

The cloth was tied on his eyes. "What's happening? Please tell."

I got up and started making my way towards him. On my way, Chansey handed a sharp metal knife in my hand, and I knew, that the years of torture on me, was one gonna be avenged.

"This is for all your handsome deeds." With a sharp and fast swing, I cut down his mountain, as he screamed in his highest voice. The terrifying noise echoing throughout the palace.

This was just the start baby!


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