Chapter 7

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The screaming and yelling had already started as the men of both the sides were excelling nicely in their job of killing each other. Brutal hits were followed by sharp swings. Instead of love, blood was in the air.

We were going according to our strategy. The front leads were doing the best they can. Middle warriors were trying to make way for me to reach the king. But they were being resisted by the strong defence of the opponent as well. The battle was neck to neck.

"Johnson, send a signal to the archers of the castle. Hurry up." I said loudly, while swinging my sword sharply to cut a man's neck. Blood slashed out as the neck went flying away.

Such a pleasant sight!!

The opponent's attacks were steadily increasing. They were a tough cake to eat. Seeing no one attacking me, I took out the small knife inside my leather shield. I threw it up and then smashed it hard with my sword in such a way that it goes up. The knife went high up in the air, and I now knew that my flame warriors got my message.

And a smile made its way on my face as I saw flames of bows coming down from the castle. The opponent's warriors down under my castle saw the flames coming down and started to run here and there. As if, I was going to let them run.

A signal was shot from the palace, and secret warriors who had a job of attacking these opponent troops from all the sides, came running out and started their job really well. I smirked and moved on.

The king was nowhere to be seen. I guess, he was really in the middle of his army. So, time for real action.

"Boom boom." I screamed and pierced my sword through one man's body. Taking help from one of my man, I used all the power I had and lifted the opponent man with my sword. He was in the air, with my sword piercing through his body.

This was a reflex signal for the bomb deployers as series of explosive bombs were dropped on the majority of opponent crowd. I grinned from ear to ear seeing the destruction of the opponent.

The basic rule of a war : Whenever a opponent is becoming weak, make his life even worse.

I took out another sword and now my both hands consisted of sharp and cleat metal swords. The carrier took off in a good speed and I started swinging both of my swords with agility, killing and slicing people on the way.

I turned back. Even from far I could see that our defence was doing just very good. The wall type structure formed was tough to break, especially when fire flames were being thrown from the top.

"Andreeeeeeewww." I managed to scream in my highest pitch, as Andrew, the lead attack guide of our army, who was right next to my carrier on the battlefield, looked at me at once.

"Send the heavy wooden balls." I said and he nodded. Before he could convey the command, jaguars and lions were dropped on the field from our side. The hungry animals went and started feasting on human flesh.

Guess attacking on us, and thus having a war on our home ground was proving to be the dumbest decision ever for our opponents.


I gulped down nervously, as I saw the king standing meters away from me. The rest of the army were still fighting. Domination was the word for our army while 'scared pussies' was the one for them.

Now, I had to end the game of this king, and prove that I am a worthy queen. Prove that even woman can participate and win wars if they have the proper guts and planning.

The anger and determination burning in my eyes, vanished away for a moment, when my eyes landed on the king. I blinked my eyes thrice, but the picture was still the same.

All I could see was a handsome face, muscular body, and brown hair. I kept blinking my eyes as the king's eyes locked with mine. We were still meters away from each other but there was a passage between our eyes that couldn't be seen.

In seconds, I was in front of the darn handsome king. Oh lord, was he really King Arthur Stevenson. I had seen him before, but he was never this handsome. After getting close, I saw him smiling at me.

And oh god, there was a dimple on his right cheek at that time!!

"Nice to meet you Queen Nathalia. Boy, I never thought a queen can be this beautiful." He said and that had my cheeks flushing to a shade of red.

" to see you too King Arthur. And look good." This was all I could speak out. I wanted to say so much, but my words were constantly getting caught in my throat.

His smile grew a bit wider, as he moved his horse a bit closer to mine. "I always thought that love at first sight is all loads of shit. But darn, I guess I was wrong."

The already burning cheeks of mine, flamed up further as he kept smiling at me. I moved my eyes away from his handsome and cute face and they landed on the wheels of my carrier.

My eyes bulged when I saw flames on the wheels. I immediately looked up and felt a powerful blow. With a loud thud, I felt on the ground. Another noise hit my ears, and I heard my carrier being thrashed somewhere.

I slowly opened my eyes a bit and that's when I saw his face leaning above mine. The smile was still there on his face. I tried to move my hand, when he caught it at once and said,"You are late queen Nathalia."


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