1 | Talented

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(i. talented)


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CASSANDRA WAS TALENTED. Not in the usual way you would expect, like an amazing ballet dancer or the best soccer player on the field. Not even in an ultra unique way as in having special powers of her own.

She was excellently talented with computers - as expected growing up wth Tony Stark - but it wasn't in the innovative, invention designing perspective, she enjoyed hacking into people computers and databases.

She couldn't help but love the thrill that came from knowing knowledge. Throughout school she was the outcast, never really having friends. She wasn't driven by the desire for friends but the desire for knowledge. As you must know, a lot of knowledge is restricted for certain people never mind a sixteen year old orphan, but this never deterred the girl. Nothing ever did really, so she'd always find out the stuff she wanted by hacking and entering out-of-bound areas and computers.

Being as small as she was it made it easier to sneak around without being detected which only fuelled her desire for trouble-causing. Seeing as the only moral guidances she had were Pepper Potts, ultimately determined lead lady and Tony Stark, badass smart mouth superhero she really couldn't help it.

One way or another this was bound to get her into trouble and do that it did.


"Hey, aunt Pepper." Cassie greeted her auntie with a smile and a kiss on the cheek, she started to head towards her bedroom when Pepper stood up and stopped her.

"Where have you been?!" her aunt  asked, trying to be calm but failing.

"Uh... school." Cassie said.

"Oh really? Then why did I receive a call from Agent Coulson again today?" She questioned putting a hand on her hip.

"Dammit Phil!" She groaned mostly to herself, annoyed she'd let herself be seen.

"How do you even get to the S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters? It's in the sky!" She screeched incredulously.

"Now that is a question I would like to know the answer to." A new voice sounded, she saw her uncle Tony walk through the door.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Cassie smirked before putting her glasses on the top of her head and turning around. 

"Wait." He said, she turned around to raise and expectant brow at him, "are those my glasses?" He asked referring to the new technology glasses he'd invented. With every person they saw it would feed data and information on that person due to facial recognition.

Cassie froze, "no. well... I mean technically yes but they have my own alterations."

He narrowed his eyes at the teenager, "what kind of alterations."

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