Skyla has a hopeless crush on the new boy at school, but she knows that she don't stand a chance. A few weeks later that her dad is diagnosed with cancer, she starts to loose all of her freinds. Luckily for Skyla there was one person to stand by her...
"OMG, so he actually just spoke to you!" Said Sophia "YES, I can't even believe it myself!" Skyla shouted.
Throughout the whole of the English lesson Skyla and Sophia were gossiping away about Jacob. As soon as that lesson had finished Skyla and Sophia rushed out the classroom door to go and find Katlyn, Tylah and Daniel, to tell them about Jacob.
They all stood around in a cirlcle so Skyla could tell them all what happened. Daniel looked over Tylah's shoulder and saw Jacob about to walk past them. "Shhhh, his walking past!" Whispered Daniel. Skyla, Sophia, Katlyn, Tylah and Daniel all stopped talking and stood there silently as Jacob walked past. Whilst Jacob was walking past them, he looked at them in a really weird way, as if to say why have they just stopped talkin as I walk past. "Why did he just give us that look?" Katelyn said. "Hmm, I don't even know... Omg what if he knows were talking about him" Sophia wondered. "Well I guess he thinks were all weird if he knows were talking about him" Skyla said sadly.
As the school day was coming to an end, Skyla just wanted to get home so she could see her dad. "Hey Skyla, how was school today?" Her dad asked. "It was actually one of the best days of 10th grade so far!" Skyla replied. "So what happened then, to make it one of the best days?" Her dad calmly asked. "Well ... There's this new boy called Jacob, and he's.. he's just so perfect! And he spoke to me today, I was so overwhelmed" explained Skyla. "Hmm, I think somones got a crush" Skyla's dad said whilst giggling. Skyla shyly replied with "Erm yeah, sort of"
Skyla went up stairs to do her maths homework, as soon as she started to do it... She had a txt of Jacob, sayin 'Hey, have you done the maths homework? X' "OMG" she screamed.
Her dad came rushing up the stairs and booted her door down. "Daddd, his just text me.. Jacob has only just text me, can you believe it!!" "So I booted your bedroom door down to hear that, I thought something had actually happened to you, but to be honest your reaction was quite funny if I dont say so my self" "Oh thanks for that dad" " haha, looks like I'll have to fix this door tomorrow" Skyla did not know what to put back, but after 10minutes she finally messaged him back. 'Hey, I've just finished the homework I'll let you copy it tomorrow if you want' 'Yeah okay thanks X' Jacob texted back.
Skyla soon fell asleep with her phone in her hand, and her maths homework at the end of her bed. That morning she woke up and got ready for school, but she had a feeling that something bad would happen to her. When she got into school she saw Sophia and told her that she had a really weird dream last night.
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