Skyla has a hopeless crush on the new boy at school, but she knows that she don't stand a chance. A few weeks later that her dad is diagnosed with cancer, she starts to loose all of her freinds. Luckily for Skyla there was one person to stand by her...
"So what exactly happened in this dream then?" Sophia asked. "Well, it all started when I got in from school and my dad had to tell me something, he said I won't be myself for a while. At this point I was so confused, so I told him to get straight to the point as I was starting to get really worried. He said he went to the doctors the other day and he was feeling really ill, and they told him excatly what was wrong with him. He started to stutter his words when he was trying to tell me something, but I just couldn't understand what he was saying. He started to mumble but all I heard was the word 'cancer' I started to freak out at the moment. My dad told me that he's been really ill lately because he has been diagnosed with cancer, tears came falling from my eyes. But the next day at school I came up to you and you told me you didn't care and walked off. Jacob had soon noticed that I haven't been myself lately so he starts hanging around with me as he has had experienced the pain that I'm going through as his mum had cancer."
"Wow, I'm so shocked... You must of been horrified to of even dreamt that, but Don't worry because dreams never come true anyway" Sophia with a shocked tone to her voice.
"But my dad has been acting really weird for the past few days." Skyla said sounding worried.
"You've just got to trust me .. everything will be fine!" Positively claimed Sophia.
As both Skyla and Sophia was walking into maths, Jacob was sat there staring at Skyla as she approached her table. He would never normally do that. Neither Jacob or Skyla spoke a word to one or other, things started to become really weird not just at school but at home too...
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