Part II - The Ressurection Item

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Kirito sighed as he looked at his picture of Asuna. He was immensely saddened by her death while fighting the boss. Heathcliff had told him of a rare item that could possibly resurrect Asuna, and Kirito was determined to find it. He unsheathed his sword and gazed at at "This weapon killed Dracula.. but at what cost?" He pondered. He was on Floor 54, in the town. He contacted an information broker to find some info in the resurrection item. They met in an alleyway beside the item shop. "Alright, what can you tell me about the resurrection stone?" He asked her, with a look of determination set on his face. "The resurrection stone is a reward for killing a unique boss on this floor, it's located in the northeast corner of the floor. There is no information on this boss however" She said, sighing. Kirito stood up, "I appreciate the information, thank you."  He said, walking away.

Northeast Corner of the map, 8pm.

Kirito smiled when he found the forest entrance. He had been travelling for hours, but time was of the essence and he couldn't rest. He opened his inventory and inspected his swords. He equipped Asuna's sword and sighed. "I'll save you Asuna" he vowed.
He sheared his sword and entered the forest. As he walked he noticed it was eerily quiet with no sight of the monsters or the boss. After walking for what seemed like an eternity, he spotted a pedestal with with he assumed was the resurrection stone.
He set off into a sprint and was quickly at the stone. He put his hand out to grasp it, before he was distracted by the roar behind him. He turned and Drew Asuna's sword, readying it for battle. He was astonished by what he saw. A purple knight stood before him, with a huge sword drawn. "I'll be taking that stone. I'll take your life as well." He growled at Kirito. Kirito stared at him. "I came here for the stone, and I'm leaving with it."  Kirito told him, warning him that he would need to kill him if he wanted the stone. "Fair enough, but.. consider this..." The knight spoke and waved his hand behind him. As if out of thin air, a large army of at least 50 men presented themselves, and drew their weaponry.
"You may fight us, but we will overwhelm you"  The Knight reminded him. Kirito knew that if he fought these men he would more than likely die. Of course, they intended to kill him anyway, as the Knight had told him so.
Kirito had wondered where the boss was however, wasn't the stone supposed to be a reward for killing a boss? "Take the stone." Kirito snapped.
The Knight smiled. "Smart choice" "Grab him." She ordered her comrades. 
Two men grabbed Kirito and pulled him back. "Sorry, but I can't have you messing with me taking the stone."
"Fine." Kirito replied.
The Knight reached out her hand to grab the stone. She grasped the stone and began to laugh "ahahahahah" "Kill him."  The two knights raised their swords, but the scream coming from their boss took hold of their attention.
The stone was glowing, The Knight's hand still firmly in place. Soon, she was enveloped in lighting spewing from the stone. The men looked on in horror. "What.. what is this?! What did you do?!" Kirito grinned. "The resurrection stone is an item dropped from the boss of this area. It would make sense that a trap, the item, would summon him."  The Knight had a look of undeniable terror on her face. "Wh.. What?...."  The lighting was growing worse, and soon engulfed her. An explosion then occurred from within the fake stone and sent the Knights, and Kirito, flying backwards. A rumble that shook the earth was felt for a brief few seconds before the cause was identified. A huge, green man, what looked to be a sumo wrestler fell from the sky. Kirito spotted a life bar, with the name "Hungar the Hungry". This was the boss who held the item Kirito sought so badly. Kirito stumbled for a second, and stood up. The Knights all around him were charging the boss, while being mercilessly slaughtered by it.
Kirito used this opportunity to recon the boss' moves and strategy. The Grand Knight from earlier was no where to be seen, and Kirito assumed she was dead. He drew Asuna's sword, hopefully for the last time, and charged, screaming. He flew past the Knights sword in hand, and launched himself into the air and striked the boss  in the neck before reaching the ground. The boss barely took any damage. "Damn it. I'll need to use all my strength to solo this boss. Those Knights are no use." Kirito drew his black sword, turned around and sprinted towards the boss. He jumped onto the boss' leg, slashing them on the way up to his head. He ran up, and activated his dual wield ability, and charged his sword skill. He unleashed a flurry of upper-slash attacks at the boss. He health bar depleted by one bar, and Kirito still had 4 to go. Hungar the Hungry roared at this attack sending Kirito spiraling backwards to the ground, his body acting as a ragdoll. The dual wield attack left him with little stamina and even smaller health. He was about to charge once more, even though he knew he would more then likely not survive, before a familiar voice was heard in the distance. "Kirito!" was all he could hear until he spotted who called him. It was Klein, and his guild. Kirito was surprised they found him, but he accepted the help anyway. "Klein, thank you for this. Let's go!" The group of warriors ran as fast as they could, each and every man ready to fight, weapon skills ready to go. Kirito drew his swords as he ran and readied his skill. "Arghhhhhahhhhhhhhh!" The men launched themselves into an attack, simultaneously depleting the bosses health by the second. They attacked, slashed and smashed the boss until Hungar fell to his knees. Kirito ran ahead and flew into an attack on the boss' throat, running and slashing his throat, blood flowing into the battlefield. Kirito jumped off the boss and landed on the ground. Hungar grabbed his throat before falling to his knees and falling sideways, then disappering into the air. A notification appeared before Kirito. "Congratulations!"

"Stone of Ressurection"

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