God is crazy in love with you

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  • Dedicated to The One who is Love(;

*This is a true story about me*

November 6, 2010

Definitely a day I never want to forget, ever.

I remember waking up and thinking, "Today is the MercyMe and Phil Wickham concert!"

I had to get a perm before I left with my friends for the concert. I kept thinking, "My hair is gonna smell awful! What if I walk up to Phil and he smells my hair and passes out?!" Yes, I cannot believe I thought that.

After getting the perm, I left with my friends to head to the concert. We first had to go to a wedding (so romantic!) and we ate Papa John's pizza (the best pizza in the whole world!!!)

After getting our seats at the concert, it started. Phil Wickham came out, and everyone screamed. I screamed too, because come on, it's Phil Wickham! He played many songs, including Cielo, True Love, and Eden. I remember looking at my best friend Brooklyn, and saying, "Oh my gosh! Look at his shoes! They are sooooo cool! Look at that guitar. He's a beast!"

The last song he performed was my all time favorite from him, Safe. It's a duet with Bart Millard, lead singer of MercyMe. I remember singing along, and feeling this presence, it must've been from God. It was like He was tugging on my heart, and I could feel His love.

Once he was finished, he said, "Come out and meet me!" So immediately my friends and I ran (actually ran!) to go find him. It was so packed...and we pushed past a lot of people. My friends and I kept yelling, "Excuse me, pardon me. Thank you." and we got to the front of the line. There, in front of me, stood Phil Wickham.

My heart was racing, he was even cuter in person! (he's married though and he has kids) I was Starstruck, so my friends and I told him hi and that we loved him and his music. He told us thanks, and he smiled at me! I thought I was gonna pass out! Brooklyn holds out her inhaler and yells at Phil, "Will you sign my inhaler?!"

He gave her a confused look, but he smiled and said, "Sure." so he signed her inhaler. We both said thanks and ran back to our seats. I remember us screaming and hugging each other, because we were so excited!

I remember when MercyMe walked on stage, I could remember screaming, "I love you Bart!"

He was so funny, and he kept cracking jokes. He said he expected everyone in the crowd to be dancing to all the songs. He said to "shake what the Good Lord gave you."

He performed lots of my favorites, including Bring the rain, So long self, Move (so fun to dance to!), This life, I can only imagine (their best song, which also made them famous), and All of creation. I was having so much fun. But then Bart stopped singing, and he began to talk.

He talked about his kids, and how he has this special connection with his daughters. He started talking about the world, and how they expect so much from us, from girls. He was right, I feel like the world expects so much from me.

He told us that he wrote this called Beautiful, for his daughters. But while he was writing it, he thought it would make a great song for people, for women who felt unworthy and ugly.

He told us that God was in love with us. He was crazy in love with us. He said that God doesn't think we're ugly and worthless, he thinks we're treasured, sacred, and His.

I remember crying, crying because I've always felt ugly. So ugly. But his words touched my heart. God's presence was so strong, I've never felt his presence so strong before.

I didn't want his speech to end, I really didn't. I wanted him to say those words over and over again. "God is crazy in love with you."

God is crazy in love with me? I realized during that speech that I matter to God. I matter. He loves me, more than anything that this world has to offer. I am beautiful, and He adores me. He doesn't care what I've done, what I look like, He still thinks I'm beautiful. He really is Love.

I looked around, and everyone was crying. My friends were crying. For a second there I thought I was the only one.

The song Beautiful is such an amazing song. (definitely recommend you check it out.) When I feel ugly and unworthy, I listen to that song. I remember Bart's speech, his words, "God is crazy in love with you." I instantly remember how much He loves me.

I left that concert that night, feeling beautiful and treasured, by God. It's been over a year now, and I miss Bart like crazy! But his speech still repeats in my heart. I still have my bad days when I feel unworthy, but I know I'm fearfully and wonderfully made.

God doesn't just love me, He loves you too! He adores you, and all He wants is to lavish His love on you! He will never stop pursuing you. Never.

So if you have days when you're down, days when you feel hated and ugly and unworthy, stop and think for a second. Remember that God created you and He loves you! Because you are treasured, you are sacred, you are His, you're beautiful. And all those lies you've held inside so long, they are nothing in the shadow of the cross.

If you want an idea of what Bart said that night, check out the video on the right. It's life changing, and I promise, I'm never forgetting it.

I know that it's hard some days, I understand that. I go through it too. But I'm trusting in God to take care of me and help me through it. If you accept God as your Savior, you'll begin to feel His love and His presence when you need it most. Cry out to Him, He's waiting to help you.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2012 ⏰

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