Chapter 1

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Meredith woke up the morning after the Code Black incident and felt sick. I don't remember drinking last night she though to herself. Then she felt someone next to her, Shit she didn't remembering going to Joe's last night or picking up anyone last night. The last thing she remembered was talking to Derek and telling him that she couldn't remember the last time that they kissed. The man next to her began to stir and she finally saw his face and well his very naked body. She fell off the bed.
"DEREK!" Meredith said while grabbing the sheets to cover her exposed body

"What's wrong?" he asked sleepily

"What's wrong!" she screamed "You're married!"

"Yea, it's ok so get back into bed, we have the day off" He gave her his famous McDreamy smile.

"Derek, this is not alright" she began looking for her clothes "this is wrong on so many levels"

Derek sighed What the hell was wrong with her, probably the hormones again. After a bit of looking Meredith was able to find her clothes, or what she hoped where her clothes because she didn't remember buying them but then again she didn't remember a lots of things lately. She quickly got dressed and rushed downstairs. The only problem was she didn't know where she was. The house was one she had never seen before and she didn't know if she had her car there.

Finally she found some keys and we outside to find a car that fit. When she walked outside she realized where she was. Derek and Addison had built a house together on the land and now they had slept together there. She really did feel like a whore. Pretty soon she found herself driving a Range Rover and was on her was to the hospital.

The hospital was the one place where she could escape most of the problems that she had. Although many thing reminded her of Derek, it still remained her sanctuary, except the elevator of course. After about a 20 minute drive she reach the hospital, parked and walked inside. She walked up to the intern locker room when she spotted Cristina at the nurses station, wear dark blue scrubs. What is going on? she thought

Cristina turned around and saw Meredith "What are you doing here, I thought that since you and McDreamy had the day off you guys would be in bed all day long"

"Cristina! He's married!" Meredith exclaimed

"Yea and so are you" Cristina began to look a little confused

"WHAT!" Meredith yelled so loud that several people turned, stopped and looked at her. She lowered her voice to avoid anymore stares "What do you mean that I am married?"

"Yea, you and Derek got married about 5 years ago" Cristina looked at the clock "I don't have time for this right now. Gillian kept me up all last night and I have a surgery in five minutes, why don't you go up to the nursery, Izzie should be there"

Cristina left Meredith standing there confused out of her mind I'm married to Derek? And who is Gillian and why was she keeping Cristina up all night? She decided to listen to Cristina and went up to the OB/GYN floor, hopefully she would find Izzie soon and not run into Addison. Of course fate was not on her side and when the elevator doors opened she found Addison on the other side.

"Hi Meredith" Addison said quite perky

"Hi Addison"

"So are we all still on for dinner at your place this Saturday?" she asked

"Yea of course" What the hell was going on here?

"What are you doing here? I thought that you and Derek had the day off to go sho...." Addison was cut off when the doors for the elevator opened

"Got to go" Meredith said while running off to find Izzie. After several minutes of looking she found her taking a break in the on call room.

She barged into the room "What year is?"

"2012" Izzie looked worried "What's going on?"

"The last thing I remember is the Code Black incident and this morning I woke up with Derek laying next to me in a house I have never seen before, Cristina and you are attendings and Addison is asking me about dinner plans." Meredith was now on the verge of tears

"Meredith calm down" Izzie grabbed Meredith into a hug "After Derek came over that night he went home and signed the divorce papers. He said that after seeing what almost happened to you scared the crap out of him. You woke up the next morning and with your room filled with lavender and a note saying to meet him at the ferry boats and there he told you that he loved you and couldn't live without you. You didn't go back to him right away, you waited several months to make sure that everything would be ok again and then you guys got back together. About 2 months after you guys got back together he proposed and then another couple of months you guys got married on a ferry boat. And last week you found that you are two months pregnant."

Meredith sat down on one of the beds completely in shock. How could I not remember any of this? " Seriously?"


"What about Addison?"

"She was understanding about it and admitted that she still wasn't over Mark. They just got married last month, me and you were actually bridesmaids and Mark is working here now"

"Ok, so I think I need to go back home because I left Derek at home" Meredith said still a little unsure of what was going on

"Are you sure your ok?"

"I think I will be, right now I just need to talk to Derek"

"Ok, call me if you need anything"


Meredith got up and proceeded to leave the hospital. She got into her car and went to the house in which she woke up this morning. She guessed that Derek and her built the house together and it wasn't built with Addison. It was a lot of information to try to comprehend in just a couple of minutes. She was married to Derek, was friends with Addison and was two months pregnant. Meredith came up to the house and saw Derek running down the outside stairs which led to the house.

He came up to her and caressed her cheek with his hand. With this simple touch it was so easy for Meredith to get lost in the moment. "Are you ok, I was worried about you this morning"

His eyes peered into hers and into her soul. "I'm fine"

"Meredith don't lie to me. You only say your fine when you really aren't"

"Derek I can't remember the last six years"

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