Chapter 3

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"So George and Olivia are now dating and living together. Alex and Izzie are also dating. They bought your mom's house when we finished building this one together. Addison and Mark are married but you already knew that. Oh, Cristina and Burke are married and had a baby girl named Gillian last month."
"That explains it" she whispered to herself


"When I went to the hospital today she said that Gillian had kept her up all night and I was really confused"

Derek laughed "Yea I'm still surprised Burke got her to settle down but I think after he got shot it really changed her"

"What do you mean Burke had gotten shot" She asked shocked

"Yea about 5 years ago. He was coming back from Mercy West and got shot in his arm. I went in and repaired as much as I could but he had pretty bad tremors, for awhile we didn't think he would be able to do surgery anymore. But he came through it within a few months"

"Wow" she tried to digest everything that was said to her "How's my mother doing?"

This way the part Derek was regretting telling her. It was bad enough breaking the news to her the first time but this time would be even harder "She pasted away last year"

Meredith tried so hard to fight back the tears "When? Was there anyone with her?"

"It was in November of last year. She died because of an stroke." Derek was now trying to hold back his own tears "I was the surgeon on her case and we did everything that we could to try to save her"

She thought to herself for several minutes before speaking "And I believe you"

Derek looked a little shocked but then smiled "That's the same thing you said to me when I had broken the news to you"

Meredith smiled, that was a good sign "So is there anything else I should know about?"

"Well every Wednesday night we go out to Joe's with Cristina and Burke. I already told you about the dinners with Mark and Addison. After we found out yesterday that your pregnant, Izzie had decided that she will be the one to decorate the nursery because Cristina wouldn't let Izzie to her own."

"We really do have a good life now huh?"

"Yea we do, we have our problems like everyone else but we have a pretty good life now"

While they were flipping through some more photo albumswhen they heard a knocking at the door.

"I'll get it" Derek got up and answered the door to see Cristina and Burke with baby Gillian on the other side.

"Hey we wanted to check on Meredith, Cristina said she was acting weird this morning"

"Yea, she fell off the bed last night and now can't remember the last 6 years."

"Damn that must suck" Cristina said

"Cristina!" Burke scolded her


"Yea it does suck" Meredith said from the living room "You know that I can hear you guys from over here"

She heard simultaneous sorry from all three of them before they made their appearance in the living room.

"Is there anything that we can do for you Meredith" Burke asked always the kind, generous person

"Unless you can give me back my memories of the past 6 years then no but thanks"

Burke nodded and smiled "So that must be Gillian" Meredith said referring to the baby in Cristina's arms

"Yea" This had to be the first time Meredith had ever since Cristina with a real genuine smile. Gillian was of course a spitting image of her mother except for the eyes which were all Burke's. Meredith felt bad for the baby, she had her mother's unmanageable hair. She laughed

"Do you think our baby is funny looking?" Cristina said in a half serious, half joking tone.

"No just feel bad that she has your hair" Burke and Derek laughed but Cristina didn't find it that funny

"Well I hope that your baby ends up getting your thin, dry, brittle hair"

Meredith subconsciously touched her hair "I don't have brittle hair"

Several hours went by and they continued to talk like there was no time forgotten for Meredith.

"We better get going, Gillian is starting to get a bit cranky" Cristina said

"We'll see you guys tomorrow" Burke and Cristina both said and walked out the door.

Derek looked at the clock and saw that it read 9:00 "We better go to bed, our shift starts at 5:30 tomorrow"

Meredith nodded and they went up the spiral stair case that lead to the second floor. When they got up to the master bedroom, Derek showed Meredith where all of her clothes were and where the bathroom was. Derek graciously let her use the bathroom first and when he came out of the bathroom he found Meredith in bed already

"I'm just going to sleep in the guest room for now. I don't want to make anything uncomfortable for you" Derek said while walking to the door

"Derek we've already since each other naked before and we are married" She patted the empty space on the bed "Just get over here already"

Derek smiled and crawled into bed next to her.

Before dozing off of to sleep Meredith turned to him "I'm glad that we got back together" After saying this, she fell asleep.

Derek looked at her and brought his hand out to caress her face "I love you so much Meredith" he said and dozed off to a peaceful slumber.

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