Chap. 17. He found me

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"Mitsuhide?" He's here. He found me!

"Oh y/n" he ran towards me and I flew into his arms. He hugged me as if it was the last. "I thought I lost you for good"

"You found me? How?" I let go of him and our eyes met

"I don't know, I just kept going straight and ended up here." He paused and looked around "what is this place anyways?"

I took his hand in mine and we started to walk down the street "this use to be a village, it got ambushed and burned. But the people stayed and rebuilt it although the forest took over most of it"

"How do you know so much about this place?" He questioned

"This is my home town" he stopped walking, making me get pulled back by his hand. His farcical expression dropped and he looked sad

"This is where you grew up?" He questioned


We kept walking till we got to a small house covered in leaves and branches. It was my home. My old home. It was half burnt down and the rest was plants. It's nothing now.

"Look Mitsuhide, i need to tell you something" I looked down at my feet, feeling my face go hot and sweaty "about my father, I was wrong...."

~time skip brought to you by once again my lazy ass~

"So it was your mother and not your father who beat you?" He was in shock. He didn't believe me at first but the more I explained my mothers situation the more he believed

"Look I didn't want to believe it either but the more I thought about it and remembered how my mother acted. It just all made sense" our eyes met once again "just please, go easy on my father. He's had a rough time trying to find me"

"No promises" he spat "he took you away from me and scared all of us"

"I know. But." I breathed out "he did the right thing"

Mitsuhide went to say something but my father came up behind me and spoke "there you two are"

Mitsuhide grabbed me and pulled me closer to him as if he was protecting me.

"You must be Mitsuhide, I've heard a lot about you" my father said putting his hand out

Mitsuhide was confused at first but I felt him calm down. He reached out and shook my fathers hand "you've heard about me huh?"

Oh boy

"Yes indeed, honesty y/n here wouldn't shut up about you" my father laughed

Here it come

"Oh really?" Mitsuhide looked at me with a smirk, I only looked away in embarrassment. "Like what?"

You shit. I elbowed Mitsuhide in the side which made him groan in pain. "Maybe another time" I awkwardly laughed.

"Well I'm tired and so is he so.... goodnight father" I grabbed Mitsuhide hand and dragged him along.

"A conversation for another time" Mitsuhide shouted towards my father with a wave. I heard my father laughed and wave of his hand back.


Hope y'all are enjoying it!

Ains 😘

am·ne·sia (Mitsuhide x Reader) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now