Episode 2: Captured (part 2)

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This chapter is dedicated to my one and only view so far, FuzzyGiraffe72 . I'll try to update more often. Oh and just be absolutely clear, Tremor is Dani's hero name.

*How long  have I been here? Months? Years? Where even is here? Here is the place where they stick me with needles.  Here is the place where they do experiments, but why? Why are they experimenting on me? Oh. That's right. They want my powers... That's all they want. No one is coming to save me. Here is where I will die...*


The mission was supposed to be simple. Hang out around the troubled youth centers and find out why the kids who went there had been disappearing. Needless to say, things didn't exactly work out.

The fight didn't take long to long. As good a fighter as Tremor was, it wasn't good enough to subdue the giant black being who had come for her.

"The meat should not fight a battle it knows it can not win." Booms the deep voice with a slightly clicking quality behind it.

As the red substance - was it glass? Some strange alien metal?- slid down, locking her in the pod, she heard the slight hiss of gas. Within seconds she was unconscious.

She awoke perhaps hours, perhaps days, later. She was still in the the cold red pod, strapped down and unable to move as needles prodded at her skin and light charges of electricity shocked her every few seconds. Strangely enough, it didn't hurt. Perhaps it was her years of training blocking out the pain, or maybe the test would become increasingly painful. Judging by the screams coming from the unseen pods next to her, she feared it was the latter.

The months passed. The tests did become almost, -no definitely- torturous. Always, there was the sound of screaming. Sometimes the other subjects, quiet for the first time in months, would be taken from the room. They never came back, and Dani had to wonder if that would be her one day soon. Whenever she thought like this she would always shake her head.

"No." She would think to herself "Mom is coming for me, and Gar would never stop trying to find me. I can't give up hope. It's the only way I'll survive this."

And everyone knew it was true. Many of the victims died, not because of their extensive injuries, but because they had given up any hope of ever being found.

It was not unusual for Dani to wake up and find who she took to be the head scientist staring at her and looking at some kind of display next to her pod. For some reason, she seemed to find Dani particularly interesting.

One day she felt a lurch as her pod was heaved up and thrown into some kind of transport vehicle. It seemed that they had forgotten to drug her, but in all of the haste to dismantle the lab she supposed that was understandable. Something struck her as strange though... In place of the beetle armored beings that she had become used to seeing, these were human men in pristine white suits. She couldn't hear much from inside the pod, but from what she could hear she gathered something about Light and all assets being moved to a secure facility.

Suddenly the world world seemed to lurch as the vehicles began speeding away from the Reach's research lab. The sudden motion caused Dani to lose what little balance was required of her and she banged her head against the red casing with a thud. In the time that it took the black spots dancing across her mind to completely consume her vision and allow her into the cool relief of unconsciousness, she made a shocking discovery. Hers was the only pod being taken. The rest had been disposed of, test subjects and all.

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