A whole new world.

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Chapter (School is over)

You are in your bedroom listening to The Coexist XX, you like to close your mind away from the world and not care for a minute. Your parents are not supportive and you don't bother trying to talk to them. You are good at school and you have a lot of friends. You like to play the piano, and you are really good at it. The main reason is because when you were younger your parents used to make you sit infront of it for hours because they said you didn't have any talents like the other kids. As you grew older you became to notice the fashion industry. You loved to watch FashionTV in the weekends but your father always needed to watch the same boring football games. 

It was officially summer. You couldn't believe it! you've been wating for summer for months but it felt like years. You and your friend Emma were going to go to London on a vacation next week to celebrate. You live in Bristol and you have never been to London so this was going to be new, it was the first time your parents ever let you travel alone with your friend and you were really exited. You and Emma have been friends since you were 4 years old and you are 17 now. You and Emma liked to go the same coffee shop at the end of the street everyday to talk, and finish all the schoolwork you hadn't finish. But you were on a sumer break so you had your mind all cleared up.  

Emma started whining about this guy she dated. She was talking about that she shouldn't have slept with him and she feels so ashamed. You haven't even kissed anybody and you seventeen years old. You never noticed any attractive guy's in your town and she apperently thought everyone was hot. You told her that your not a virgin, you don't know why you did it. You were just so afraid she thought you weren't interesting enough. Now you can't go back. you can be such an idiot sometimes!

We were looking through the magazines in the coffee shop and you came across a girl. She had blonde hair, green-blueish eyes that reminded yourself of your eyes. She had amazing eyebrows that you wished you could have. She had a cute button upped nose and full lips. You found her really attractive. You look up and see Emma looking through a football magazine and miming ,,Ah, look at him! he's so fit! (Y/N)" ,,I wonder if his balls are as big as the football." she's one different girl. You wanted to know who that girl was so you asked Emma who the model was.

,,(Y/N) ! don't you know? that's Cara Delevingne, she's on of the most popular models in the world right now! she's like famous for her big eyebrows." 

You found yourself staring at that picture of Cara, you've never seen such a beautiful girl in your life. (Y/N) ,,Are you a lez or what?." she starded laughing. You hadn't really thought it trough actually, maybe you were attracted to girls maybe boys and girls. you didn't really know, and you didn't want to think about it. As you walked home you saw a paper laying on the street. It said 'New Faces' you kept on reading the paper. It was saying that this 'New Faces' model agencie needed new models. It had a link to a website on it, so you wen't straight home and started writing the link in the tab bar. A big website came up, saying that you can send them a picture of you and what so on. You wanted to fill in the form. So you did, and you sent it. 

You woke up to your phone, it was the alarm clock, time for work. You were working in a clothing store, you just stacked clothes and put them on a clothing rack. You liked your work because you always got 50% off. You got a missed call from a number you don't know. You called back and you heard a womens voice ,,Hello, this is New Faces" you answered ,,Um.. Hello, I saw you called my number erlier" The woman replied. ,,Yes, and what Is your name?" ,,(Y/N)" you said confused. 

,,Yes, you got an audition here in London next week."

Your face dropped, you couldn't believe that this big model company liked you and your face. You told her that you were coming next week on a vacation so the timing was perfect. After work you came home and went straight on the computer and researched the model agency on the internet for hours. How you need to be dressed for the audition, what you should do. Just everything! 

You didn't want to tell your parents neither your friends about it, you were scared that they didn't approve modeling. But this was something you have always wanted. And you were going to go after it, no matter what. 

It had been a couple of day's of practising, reserching, meeting Emma, watching FashionTV, just the usual. And it was time, you and Emma were leaving Bristol and going to London. You had packed your bags, taken the modeling notes. Prepaing for a vacation of your life. You and Emma found great seats on the plain and had the time of your lives on the plain laughing and talking about boys, while you were thinking about that beautiful girl in the magazine... Cara. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2013 ⏰

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