Untitled Part 9

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A week passed in relative calmness. Dean continued to keep searching for cases, but found none worthy of their efforts. Everytime he seemed close to deciding to actually take one up, Sam or Castiel would break his train of thoughts and urge him away from computer. Most days were filled with Dean working on the cars, cooking or cleaning in the kitchen, rearranging some of the rooms further down the bunker's hallway, or listening music so loud that the world was drowned out. Cas observed much of what Dean did, constantly in his line of view, his blue eyes steadily on the hunter. Though the hunter often remarked about Cas' staring problem and scoffed at the angel's behavior, he had yet to do anything more than that, so Cas continued to do what he wanted. 

Though Cas did like to observe Dean in his natural habitat, seeing him relax in his own home, what he was mainly focused on was how the Mark was reacting certain stimuli. In the past week, surprisingly, the Mark hadn't actually acted up all that much. It flared briefly at times when Dean began to get restless, but if diverted quickly, it faded soon after. Hopeful, Cas thought that maybe if they continued to keep Dean away from any stressful situations then maybe the Mark wouldn't' react as strongly as it had before. They could continue living their peaceful lives in the bunker until a more permanent solution could be found.

"Dean seems to be doing well," Cas shared his thoughts to Sam one evening while Dean was cleaning the kitchen. Sam nodded, but his hazel eyes didn't seem as hopeful as Cas figured they would. Usually it was the WInchesters that kept hope alive, not the angel. "I've been keeping an eye on the Mark, and it doesn't seem to be reacting too strongly. It's been quiet for days. That must be a good sign." From the kitchen, Dean was humming one of his favorite songs off tune (another sign that Cas thought was positive).

Still, Sam didn't seem that convinced. In a whisper, he admitted his fear, "I'm just worried that this is the calm before the storm."

Which was how their lives usually were. Good things, in their experience, didn't last long. However, Cas would not give up hope, not now that he was beside the Winchesters day in and day out, treated like one of the brothers, and enjoying his time with the hunters without the pressure of solving a case. It was almost like they truly were a family, and that the WInchesters weren't just tolerating him due to his ability to help in dire circumstances. Though Sam might have had a point, Cas wasn't ready to accept it. He would enjoy the moment while it lasted. That, he had learned from Dean himself.

"Sam, we're out of beer," Dean announced, coming back into the kitchen, long after their conversation had ended. 

"So?" Despite the concerns he had shared with the angel, he made sure to sound lighthearted and teasing in front of his brother.

"So, go get some more." Sam rolled his eyes and made a fuss, but he got up all the same to do as he was bid. "And pie."

"Yea, yea," Sam grumbled, but Cas had the impression that it was all for show. In this time of need, Cas was sure that Sam would feel obligated to do whatever Dean wanted that wouldn't result in his injury or the injury of others. "Cas, you want anything."

"I am fine. Thank you." 

The front door closed with a loud thud that echoed through the quiet bunker, silence encompassing the hunter and the angel. Cas continued to sit at the dining table, and Dean continued to stand in the doorway of the kitchen. The silence was awkward between them, something that Cas still wasn't used to between them, but he didn't remark upon it. He simply waited for Dean to make his move and react from there. 

Thankfully, he did. "What to watch netflix?" 


Dean chuckled. "Yea. It has a whole bunch of movies and TV shows. Come on," a calloused hand patted his shoulder, "I think you'll enjoy it. You seem to like TV."

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