The Runaways

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I breathing fast. My chest is heaving from all the running.

I can feel him wrap his arms around me, sheilding my body with his as the men tried to force their way through the door.

Why did this happen to me?

Why did I have to be the second child?

Why did I have to be born?

Why did my parents have to forget the condom?

I look up at him. I can't bear life without him. Will we live through this?

"Mary, whatever happens to me, know that I love you, and I will long after I die." He says to me.

"Don't talk like that! We'll make it through this!" I said. I search his eyes, but they show no expression.

Suddenly his gaze turns elsewhere.

"A window, move! Go! Go!" He said, shoving me towards the window.

The other three are right behind us. The window is kind of high, so I bent down and twirled my fingers together, giving them a leg up.

Niall came first and quickly used my hand and hopped through the window. He was standing up, so there must have been some iron railing.

Liam went next. Niall helped him out.

Harry was next. He looked regretfully at Zayn.


"Hurry!" I pressured him.

He quickly stepped up, as Liam and Niall pulled him over.

"Go!" I said to Zayn.

"No. They'll follow us. I'll stay behind. You go find the Resistance with the boys." He said, slipping out his pistol. I did the same. I left it on safety for now.

"Then I'm staying with you." I said defiantly.

"No, you have to go. There's no reason for both of us to die." He said.

"I'm not leaving you. We might be able to take them together." I said.

He looked at me sadly.

"I'm sorry." He said before he grabbed me by the waist and hefted me up to the boys.

"Get her!" Be said to them.

"No! No, Zayn please! Don't do this!" I screamed. Tears were running down my face as I realized what was about to happen.

The boys grabbed my arms and pulled me over kicking and screaming.

As soon as I was over I turned around about to leap back through, but I was too slow.

Zayn had closed it and locked it. I stared at him desperately through the glass window that would forever separate us.

I screamed and slammed my fists into the window, trying to break through.

It was hopeless. I left my fists on the window, as I hung my head in defeat.

'I'm sorry.' He mouthed.

I just shook my head and pressed my forehead against the window.

I looked up to see him doing the same. If the window wasn't there, our noses would have been touching.

I looked into his depressed eyes. 'I love you.' I mouthed back. He looked like he was about to say something, but he never got the chance.

Right then the door burst open to reveal three burly looking men. All had guns.

Zayn turned around and in a flash took one out.

He never got past that.

The enemy had come in ready, Zayn hadn't been.

In the time it took for him to shoot that one down, the other two fired.

I watched in horror as his limp body fell to the floor.

"No!" I screamed.

The last thing I remember before the others dragged me away from the window, was Zayn's dead, bloody body being dragged away from the scene.


Hey guys! This is just the prologue so I'm sorry its short, but I'll try to make a longer chapter soon!




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