Episode 4: Part 1

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A/N Hey guys! I am still in my closet. This can be my new studio! Senpai! Also, the picture above.... I'm sorry, I just had to XD 😂. I don't know who made it, so if you made it, step up! And don't lie. I can tell when someone is lying. I'll look deep into your soul through the connection social media has given us.

Episode 4: A Pig's Treasure

Dipper and Mabel filed into the red Ford, ready to go to the winter carnival. Dipper was especially excited since he heard he could win a pig. He's wanted pig ever since he could talk.

Now Mabel hasn't been too keen on going out ever since that whole clones incident, but if it was for her brother, she would do it. Anything for Dipper. If he was happy she was happy.

Once they got there everyone filed back out, complaining about their cramped backs. "Sorry, guys," Ford said, "but that thing is old and I'm not too keen on getting a new one. For sentimental reasons."

They never even knew that Ford had anything sentimental to him. Dipper ignored him and ran around looking for the pig pen blindly. Robbie picked him up by his collar.

"Calm down, Dipstick!" Mabel would've sighed dreamily if she wasn't mortified at the very thought of it. Dipper stopped struggling in his grasp as Robbie slowly lowered him.

"Alright," Dipper snapped, annoyed. "I'll wait for you guys. Can we just please find the pigs?" Mabel chuckled. "Of course. But you have to let us have fun too, you know."

Dipper nodded droopingly. Ford went over to a Booth and started setting up their Mystery Museum Booth. "Hey, Grunkle Ford?" Dipper asked.

"Yeah, Dipper?" He sighed. Dipper tilted his head in question. "Why don't you just do a dunk Booth? Everyone loves those." Ford immediately answered. "You wouldn't catch me dead in one of those."

Dipper laughed as he walked away with Mabel and Robbie, Melody staying behind to help with the Booth. Suddenly Dipper veered away sharply to the left.

It was, of course, a pig pen. "Gideon was already standing there and talking to the guy at the Booth. "I want that one." Mabel saw him point to a medium-sized pig. The guy nodded. "All ya' have to do is guess it's weight!"

Gideon tapped his gloved hand against his cheek in thought. "Ten pounds?" He asked when he looked up. "Ooh! Sorry, kid!" Gideon snapped his fingers.

Dipper ran up and looked over the pen. "I wanna try! Thirteen!" He exclaimed confidentally. "Sorry, kiddo! Wrong number!" Dipper's face fell when Mabel decided to be the hero and help him out.

"Twelve." She said, causing them to turn to her. The man beamed. "That's right! He's all yours! Good ol' twelve!" She smiled as the man dropped the pig into her arms.

"Here you go, Dipper. You've always wanted one." Dipper's face couldn't be happier. He picked her up in a bone crushing hug and jumped up and down.

"Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!" He yelled in one fell swoop. By the time he put her down Mabel couldn't feel her lungs working. She convulsed big gulps of air, trying to be able to breath.

"Nice job, Mabes." Robbie said as he walked up to them. "Thanks, Robbie." She said in between breaths. Dipper picked up the pig. "I'm gonna name you Waddles!" He exclaimed as the pig oinked to signal that he liked it.

Dipper squealed. "How'd you do it?!" He exclaimed while rubbing his face on Waddles. Mabel cleared her throat as she launched into an explanation.

"It's easy, really, once you have a grip on the concept. All I did was judge his weight by his appearance using the weighing system. So once I divided it by a pig's average weight I came up with 10 to 13. Since you and Gideon here took out the obvious ones I went with the one closest to my calculations."

After her long speech only one mouth wasn't dropped, and that was Dipper's. "You went into smart mode again, Mabes." He explained. Mabel blushed, trying to burrow her face into her coat.

The first one to come back around was the man working the Booth. "Well, it looks like we have a smart one here!" He exclaimed, going back to working with people willing to try and take these pigs off his hands.

Gideon flashed a smile at her. "Nice one, Mabel." She nodded, still embarrassed by her explaining. "Thanks." She squeaked. They walked away and Dipper flashed a glare at Gideon.

"Why'd you talk to him?" Dipper asked menacingly. Mabel's face became one of shock. "What? What do you mean? He's my friend." Dipper gaped at her like a fish.

"Your friend?" He asked incredulously. Mabel nodded slowly. "Yeah. My friend. Ever heard of it?" She asked, uncharacteristically sarcastic. Dipper just growled and rubbed his all over Waddles.

A/N Hey guys! That was episode four, part one! Hope you enjoyed it! Yeah, I'm in my Studio right now and the movers are here getting stuff in. Right now I'm just waiting until they need me. Oh, well! Probably just gonna write more Mabeon! ESREVER


-Rouge Cur

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