crush: barney
siblings: phenix
age: 18barney
crush: aph
siblings: none but counts phenix as one
age: 19max
crush: phenix and aphmau
siblings: sky or Adam
age: 18phenix
crush: max and sky
siblings: aph and counts jin and barney as one
age: 16sky (adam)
crush: phenix
siblings: max
age: 19jin
crush: phenix
siblings: none but counts phenix and aphmau as one
age: 17laurence
crush: aph and phenix
siblings: non (I just don't like cadenza)
age: 19Garroth
crush: phenix
siblings: zane and vlad
age: 19Kaitlyn
crush: none
siblings: non but adds phenix and aph as sisters
age: 18zane
crush: phenix, aph
siblings: garroth and vlad
age: 18vlad
crush: phenix
siblings: zane, garroth and counts phenix as a sister
crush: phenix
siblings: non
age: 20shelby
crush: ross
siblings: aphmau and phenix
age: 25
oh and guys im phenix and all of the boys exempt barney and yes this is my dream come to life