I'm getting fed up

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Guys there is something i need to say.. Of you know the YouTubers Sounds like harmony, and heythereimshannon  then you know they broke up just recently... And its because of different beliefs and other stuff..well Sounds like harmony (Tyler)'s kid got attacked for being white. He is just a little kid and it brakes my heart to see that happen to someone especially a child who DOESNT know or understand what's going on. Tyler loved Shannon and wanted to marry her and all the people saying he never loved her he was playing and cheating on her are complete assholes!
I mean how can this would have so much hate now! How can someone beat up an innocent little kid? How can someone claim shit they know nothing about? How can someone judge a person before they really know them? Or even have hate towards a person who has there own opinion?
This is a AMERICA! We are suppose to be a free, and sported country that can get along. But apparently people feel if someone doesnt believe in that persons choice then they beat, shoot, spit, harass, etc that person... Last time I check I had the right to vote for trump.. I had the right to like what ever music I want, believe in whatever religion I want. But this world today just decides we all need to think, dress, act, and speak alike...well I don't know about you guys but ima be ME! I was put in the world to be myself and IMA leave it being myself weather you guys accept it or not! You guys need start being yourselves and quit worry about what others think and worry about the future you ganna have.
We all bleed RED! we all have a BRAIN! and we all need FOOD, WATER, and SHELTER! No matter what color or race or even what we believe. we all are the same, and the people in the world need to understand that weather they like or agree with it or not!

If you don't like what I gotta say...there's an unfriend and block button I suggest you press it

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