Chapter 1: Kaishi 開始 (Beginning)

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"A Fine cup of Sake!" Kaze drunkenly exclaimed. 

Azai nodding his head in disapproval smiled at his younger brother and laughed: 

"Perhaps a little too fine for your taste Kaze". 

Oichi curated the observation with her own. "The wind walker must be a light weight!" she light heartedly exclaimed.

 The Azai clan broke out in hearty laughter. Kaze saw this as a challenge though, he smiled. Jumping onto the table with one leg on the bar and one in the air he held the cup at his sandal and a glass on the back of his neck. He took his sheathed sword and kicked the cup onto the end of it balancing it there. He held in precarious form until he tossed the cup into the air - The clan watching in awe - He unhindered his sword and throw it like a javelin in the air. The now spear met the small cup in the air cutting it in two. Kaze in one swift move threw his weight behind in a back flip and held out both of his arms with his one leg still behind him. The sheath of his sword in one caught his falling blade. The glass container rolling off his neck into his hand caught the falling alcohol. He then plopped onto the table taking a victory gulp of the sake: 

"Who says I can't handle my drink!?". His confidence caused an uproar in the clan. 

Kaze's drunken fervor lit up the Azai clan that night. Kaze glanced with a smile, his brother who sat with broken pieces of clay in his hair miffed at the performance while Oichi gave her consoling laughter and cheer.   

Fight/Rising Action

A Shout from close range, unordinarily confident, turned Kaze's attention and broke the still air. An elite soldier of Oda dressed in black and purple body armor stood in front of Kaze demanding he turn over his weapon. Kaze gave a grin as he unsheathed his blade. 

"By Order of Lord Nobunaga drop your weapons and come peacefully or die here like the dog you are!" The soldier's exclaimed.

His confidence grew as Oda reinforcements drew near. Kaze's grin stiffened:

 "By Oda Nobunaga's order you've come to kill me? Aren't you the unlucky one." Kaze said with a smile as the soldier took into stance. 

 The reinforcements gathered around the soldier. The elements becoming more apparent on the dirt battlefield. The wind kicking up caused Kaze's dark blue, tattered Azain scarf to fall off revealing the body of the man that moved like wind. His strength certainly could not be in question. His dark brown hair tied in a huge bundle fell to at the mercy of the wind. His cut up cloth held by a rope at his waist. Rain broke out in the hold of the coming fight between the warriors. Smell of soil and steel rose. Kaze Took his stance as lightning crackled. The Sharp steel of Kaze's blade shined bright as did the armor of his foes

 "2... 5... 9.. 15..." Kaze counted the soldiers

"Your numbers do not equal strength fools!" Kaze exclaimed with blade in hand . 

Ignoring the patronizing the confident soldiers moved in. 

"By that logic you'll need armies to kill me!" Kaze warned aiming his sword in front of him.

"You won't even see our first strike you arrogant bastard!" a advancing soldier shouted in retort.

 All the warriors lounged into a sprint at windwalker. A second crackle of lightning broke and tore harder rain down from the sky. Kaze with his blade raised stood still, he had not moved from his spot. This rain was not of water...But the blood of the soldiers. 

"You're right, I won't see your first strike". Kaze said walking away, leaving 15 men to lay dead in front of Oda. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2016 ⏰

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