8. Postcards from the Edge

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Alayah POV:

I did it, I woke up and I realised and respected that things had changed. That the person I was with when I was daggered in the 20's was not the person that is here today. Damon fell in love with Elena and I needed to respect that. I had planned to stay far away yet some how I ended up here in the car on the way to Mystic Falls. The place where it all began. 

I had planned to keep true and not come here, not see him. It was enough having Lucien back in my life and I hadn't even seen him yet but Damon... that was something else. When Stefan called I knew I had to come. A town over run with vampires all against him he needed me to survive, but just because I had to come doesn't mean that I wanted too.

I didn't tell my brothers the truth about where I was going. I told them that I was following a lead on Kol and took off before Freya had a chance to pull me up on it. 

Now I was here. The place had changed a lot since I was last here. Stefan told me to go to the Grill. That it was were Julian was and most likely where Damon was going to be. 

I parked my car in the centre of the town square and began to walk over when a man came up to me. He was in a police uniform. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. "Excuse me. Miss?" He called. 

"Yes Officer? Am I doing something wrong?" I smirked, what the hell was one police officer doing in a vamp infested town. 

"Are you new here? You are aware the town is closed down due to a gas leak?" He asked me. 

I got closer to him, making eye contact and beginning to compel him. "I am not your concern. Just another thrill seeker. Get in your car and drive away." 77

The man looked at me before rapidly pulling out his gun. The compulsion didn't work, he was on vervain. "You see you are my concern, your a vampire in my town!" The man said as he was about to shoot. 

I began to laugh. "A gun? You think that will kill me!" 

"No but the wooden bullets will!" He smirked. 

"It is going to take a lot more than that to kill a Mikaelson." I snarled before I was about to kill him. 

"Your a Mikaelson?" He seemed shocked, like he knew about us. 

Then it clicked. Blonde hair, blue eyes, one of the only humans in Mystic Falls? Matt Donovan. "Oh Matty, I should have known. Easy on the eyes!" I said as I used my speed, grabbing his throat and slamming his head into the car, knocking him out cold. I then stepped over his unconscious body and into the grill. 

It looked like I walked in just in time. I saw Damon throw a card, decapitating one of Julian's men. Stefan told me about the situation with Julian but his name was not uncommon to me before this.  I stayed out of sight, to see how the scene would unfold before I intervened. 

"Well I feel happier!" Damon smirked as he pranced over to the bar. 

"What did I tell you would happen if you hurt one of my men again?" Julian roared. Damon on the other hand seemed unphased. 

"I think it was something like gutting me and feeding my insides to Stefan." Damon mocked. "Bring it on!" He goaded. 

Damon then proceeded to get himself a drink. "You have ten seconds left to live. Do you have any last words?" Julian asked, deadly serious. 

"Last words?" Damon exhaled. "That is a lot of pressure." He mocked. "I guess if I had to I would phrase it as a question. What's the deal with the x marks the spot post card. Who are you running from big J?" Damon asked. 

X marks the spot triggered something in my mind. It was "Reyna Cruz." I accidentally said out loud. 

"That is not the concern of a dead man!" Julian snapped before realising I had spoken he then turned to me. "Now now now who do we have here?" 

"Alayah, Alayah Mikaelson. You all have a lot of vampires here but none of you can kill an original and that is why your going to let me and Damon walk out of here!" I threatened. 

Damon looked shocked to see me. "No, no, no." He said under his breathe. "Wait here. I will be right back with my last words!" Damon smirked to Julian before walking over to me and grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the grill. 

"What the hell are you going here?" He asked. 

"Saving your life!" I shouted. "What was that Damon your on a suicide mission and you know it." I shouted right back to him. "I get that you miss Elena but you have to be here when she wakes up and the way your acting that's not going to be the case!" 

"No! You dont get to say her name! I loved you at one point and you left me. You dont get to show up now and use Elena against me!" Damon shouted at me. 

"I didn't leave you Damon I was daggered, I am on Original and that is what happens when your Klaus' sister. I woke up still in love with you only to find out your in love with a doppelganger who used to be a vampire and now asleep in a slumber till her best friend dies who also happens to be your best friend and to top it all of Lucien is back in my life!" I began to break so sat down on the seat. Damon no longer wanted to shout at me, he knew exactly who Lucien was in my past and he knew what it meant to me. 

"I miss her you know. Every second of every day. The pain doesn't  go away and it doesn't get better and when I got out of the phoenix stone I was a mess but I wouldn't admit and in result that I ended up killing the one person that I love most." Damon was now crying. "I burnt her alive Alayah. I killed Elena."

Me and Damon spoke for a little while longer before we agreed that we had to accept things had changed, we both said that it was best to leave. Damon would fight his fight with Julian and I would fight mine with the prophecy an as far as any of our  siblings were concerned I was never here, even with my conversation to Stefan. 

We both also agreed that we couldn't say goodbye so we turned and used our speed to go on with our separate lives. "Oh and I knocked out Matt Donovan. My sister told me about him." I smirked before racing off. 

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