12. Alone with Everybody

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Alayah POV:

"Are you ready?" Elijah asked me. We were going to the club of which Elijah was sure some of the enemies trying to take down Klaus were. I had been working with Freya to control my power and I was doing well. I was no pro but I had enough control to be able to use it to my advantage, along side my vampire abilities.

"I was born ready." I smirked as I got off and followed Elijah out. 

We had been in here for a short while, in that time Elijah had joined the jazz band playing the piano. I was walking around the place, looking for anything I could find while Elijah was listening in. I watched him and caught that he was looking at someone, I followed his eyes to a man dressed in black on the phone. "Yeah, a couple of vampires are saying he's theirs but I have waited long enough for a shot at Klaus Mikaelson." I heard him say. I wasted no time in turning around and nodding to my brother to confirm his suspicion, even though there was no doubt he already knew.   

The vampire began to walk out, but Elijah didn't move. I looked at him confused when he revealed that he  was one step a head of him. The one who had walked out had two other vampires watching my brother. I nodded and then grabbed the waitress walking past me. 

"What the-" She began to say but I locked eye contact with her. 

"Shut up." I commanded. "Those two guys over there go and spill your drinks all over them." I compelled. It was a number of seconds before she did. By the time they both looked up Elijah was gone. I made sure he had made a clear escape before following. 

The vampire was walking down the street, unaware of me and Elijah a number of paces behind. The vamp rounded a corner and out of sight when suddenly his friends from the bar appeared in front of us. "Gentlemen." Elijah greeted.

"Come on Elijah I thought we agreed." Marcellus said as she came up behind us. "Although the compelled waitress was a nice touch." He laughed. "The strix are here to protect you, why dont you just let them do their job?" He asked. Then it clicked, I thought the vampires was with the one who was after Klaus not a security detail for my brother. Although I was a little bummed that I didn't get a security detail. 

"I was just looking for some me time." Elijah sassed. 

Marcel smirked at the ground before looking up. "Well you can have all the me time that you want, after the threat is gone. In the meantime if you stopped trying to escape them and stay put then maybe they can devote more of their efforts into finding out who has that missing white oak." Marcel suggested. 

I looked at him for a second. "Marcellus, tut tut tut the power really has gone to your head. But go on I will humour you, how about the strix keep their protection on my brother and I continue to eradicate the vampires. On my own?" I offered. 

Marcel looked like he was about to agree when Elijah gripped my forearm. "Absolutely not." he seethed before whisking me back to the compound using his speed, worth a shot. 


Me and Freya was walking over to the study when Lucien was heard from the door way. I was lagging behind a little so he didn't see me. "Ah Freya, would you mind telling your security team that I am a dear and beloved friend of the family?" He asked, referring to the strix on the door of the compound. 

"Well that might be over doing it a little considering I am pretty sure Klaus wants to kill you after what he walked in on you and Alayah." She wound him up. 

I rounded the corner and came into sight. "Actually he walked in after it was over." I corrected Freya. "Let him in." I waved to the strix. 

I then sat down. While Freya and Lucien entered into conversation. "What do you want Lucien?" Freya asked, acting as though she had no time for him. I sat up from my slouched position. Maybe she was more attracted to him than she cared to admit.

"It's not what I want, it is who. You see I have known the Mikaelsons for a thousand years but you Freya are a new variable and I cant help but find myself intrigued." Lucien said in a flirty tone to my sister, noticing how I was paying attention straight away. Okay so I will admit I have been playing hard to get for a while with Lucien, after me leaving with Klaus I was avoiding his calls and acting as though I wasn't interested but I was only fooling myself. I knew it wasn't true.   

Freya stepped forward, closer to him. My body tensed. "Dont tell me you haven't felt the spark between us." He smirked as he lifted out a bunch of flowers. 

 "Okay that's enough!" I growled as I jumped up and went over to them, pushing Lucien back a little to create more space between them. 

"Now really inst a food time." Freya said as I finished my space providing before she walked off. 

I then turned to Lucien, taking the place she was once stood. "What the hell was that?" I shouted at him, smacking his chest. 

Lucien was amused. "What? Your the one who was ignoring my calls." He smirked, he knew what he was doing. 

"I was playing hard to get." I retorted.  

"Oh please, your Alayah Mikaelson. I had you, have you. Therefore you dont play hard to get." He stepped closer putting his hands on my waist. I leaned into it, wrapping my arms around his neck. 

" I do now." I stood my ground. 

"No you dont." He said smoothly as he closed the gap between us and kissed me. 

I kissed Lucien for a minute or so when suddenly he was ripped off me and thrown across the room. "You have got to be kidding me!" My brother shouted from above Lucien. 

I was slightly shocked at Kols reaction. "Kol!" I shouted, not knowing what else to say, I dont even know where we stand right now. 

"No chance Alayah. You can be mad at me but you are not going back to him!" He roared, he was angry, furious even. 

"What's wrong with me?" Lucien defended himself in a hurt tone. "Ill have you know I have been there for Alayah a lot, even when the pain she is in is caused by you!" Lucien said as she advanced toward my brother. 

"Shut up!" Kol and I shouted in unison. I then turned to Kol. "I am not angry at you anymore. I mean I am hurt that you thought I was that much of a monster that you thought that was the only answer but I am over it. If I can forgive Klaus for pushing that dagger through my heart then I can forgive you for telling him too. I have respected your decision to get with the harvest girl and I admire you for standing up to Klaus about her. You love her right? Well I have loved Lucien since I was young, let me have this Kol." I begged of him. Kol looked at me intently before rapidly whipping his head around to Lucien, causing him to jump. 

"You hurt her and I will rip your bloody head off!" He threatened Lucien. "As for you, meet us in the study. Finn is back!" 

Kols words sent shivers down my spine, how the hell could Finn be back? Kol walked off to the study and I followed, Lucien coming up behind me and following me, his hand on my back. "Did you really mean it when you said you loved me since you was young?" Lucien whispered. 

"Dont flatter yourself." I smirked as I patted his chest.

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