nito nazuna//graduation

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requested by ransupyon


       His blond, asymmetrical hair, his red eyes, you loved every bit of him. Of Nito Nazuna. But now? You'd probably never be able to see that soft smile of his ever again. That's right, the third years of Yumenosaki Academy would be graduating. Yes, you knew that you were a second year student. Yes, you knew you'd graduate next year and eventually see him again.. actually, that's what you were worried about.

       Would you see him again?


       You held a gentle, but firm grip on Nazuna,  crying your heart out. The short upperclassman was on the brink of tears also, patting your back. He was well aware he wouldn't see his underclassmen as much anymore. In between sobs, you weakly forced out, "N-N-Nazuna-san..?" with your head throbbing. Nazuna looked at you softly, replying, "Yeah, [Name]-chin? N-nii-chan's here.."

       The question was ringing in your head. It made you even more upset to think about it, and an outburst of tears surprised Nazuna.

       "W-will we.. s-see each other still? I-I'm going to miss you.," you asked him, almost inaudible. The blond half-expected this question, and his eyes softened even more. "So you were worried about that?" He chuckled, "Of course we will."

       This lightened your spirit by a great amount. Was it really true? Yes. Yes it was, and you were glad. Wiping your tears away, you hugged him tighter. "[N-Name]-chin! I need.. a-air!" he exclaimed.

        Pulling away, you gave him a sheepish smile and apologized, "Sorry..,"

        He suddenly walked up to you and pat your head. "No neeb to apowogize!"

       "Nazuna-san, you're fumbling again.."


       As he was about to leave the area of Yumenosaki, you called out to him, "W-wait!" This caught his attention and he turned around.

       It was now or possibly never.

       "N-Nazuna-san.," you stammered, obviously looking embarrassed about something. This caused the aforementioned upperclassman to raise his eyebrow, before you told him (or at least tried), "I-I.. l.,"

       "I.. love you!" You exclaimed out, feeling more embarrassed than ever. You were sure you looked at least remotely like a tomato.

        This took him by surprise, his face flushed as well. "W-w-what you're twying to twell meh," he paused for a bit, flushing a bit more, before continuing, "ish that you wetuwn my feewings?"

       He took a few deep breaths still looking quite red, before asking, "So.. are we.. like, a couple now..?" 

       You shrugged. "I-I'm not even that sure.. all I know is that.. I like you.."

       A familiar voice called out, "[Name]! Let's go home!" It was your mother. "One sec, mom!" you told her.

       "U-uh, see you next time, Nazuna..?" You said to the blond in front of you, dropping the honorific. He nodded in response.


so uh, yeah. that was some terrible angst. my next request is also somewhat angst, so.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

i hope you enjoyed that! (please note i cringed while writing the second part)

edit: my next request is not angst change of plans wowowoowooooooooowowow wow

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