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I wasn't surprised to find myself strapped with ropes in a wooden chair. I noticed that all of my injuries had been healed and I was no longer filthy. My hair, skin, and nails had no trace of dirt on them. All of the caked up blood had been wiped off. I was completely cleansed. I don't remember what just happened, but I can remember more then usual. Crowley wanted to make a deal with me. A life changing one but how am I supposed to trust him? No, I can't. This is all just a setup.

"Dean...?" I  asked in a raspy voice. I remember hearing Dean Winchester right before I blacked out. What could Crowley possibly want with Dean?  Well, he did cheat death more then once. He also ended the Apocalypse.  Plus.... well, I didn't want to get into all of that. I had to much on my mind.

"Aw, finally the beauty wakes up from thy slumber!" Crowley said with a smile that protruded his lips. Crowley was a ruthless demon using a middle-aged man as his vessel. He had that unidentifiable accent that everyone seemed to love.

"But yes, that's right. I don't want both of the Hardy Boys. Just the one, Dean Winchester. You see, I have plans for that one. I mean I have no hard feelings toward moose, but he isn't exactly fit for the job. Whereas Dean, well I've heard he's done it once before...." He left his words hanging in suspense.

"What exactly could you need my brother for? Whatever the reason, you cannot have him." I said through clenched teeth.

"Your brother? Not even. Half-brother that is. And why should you care in the first place Milligan?  Or should I say Winchester? Whichever you prefer. Dean did after all choose to save Sam from the Pit and not you..." Crowley said loudly and proudly.

Sure. That part is entirely true but he had his reasons. I may not know what they were but I choose to believe that he didn't leave me down here intentionally. Dean was the oldest son of John Winchester, my dad. When I first met him I could tell that he was skeptical about me. And whenever I told him about all the things John and I did, he looked at me as if I was his enemy. I mean I felt bad, John did in fact have an affair with my mother and no one even knew about it.

"Tell me something I don't know.... That still doesn't change the fact that he is my blood. No matter what, he is my half-brother. Family. I know that Dean wouldn't want me down here. Rotting in... Hell!" I spat out hatefully. The words that were coming out of my mouth were words that I've been telling myself for a while now. To be exact, almost 1,000 years...

"So, do you want to hear my deal? Or would you rather me just end this and get him myself?" Crowley said with what sounded like definite pleasure.

"If you can do it yourself, why do you want to make a deal with me for him?" I was unsure about what I was going to do next. Was I actually considering this? Am I really this desperate?

"Well, you see, I am a fan of doing things the easy way. At least easy for me...." Crowley smirked. "And I figured that they trust you. Whatever you say, they'll believe. And if you can just get them close enough, this will be very easy." His voice was victorious.

"What do you want with Dean?" I was sure he could hear the surrender in my words.

"Dean Winchester is a rebellious fool that needs to be killed, but he is also what I need. When Dean was in Hell, he became a mighty little.... torturer. He was so good at it too. And the souls down here have gotten a little out of hand. So, Dean can come in handy. Getting back to his old work. Don't worry, I have no intentions of ending his disgraceful little life. He is far too valuable." Crowley looked like he was on the edge of sanity. Well, he was probably far from sane for too long now.

"And that's it?" I sounded weak. I was ashamed.

"That's it, lad." He knew that he already won, I could tell.

"Fine. Deal." I said, and now I was on the edge of sanity.

Escape From Nothing ( Adam Winchester/Milligan)Where stories live. Discover now