Chapter Two

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The morning came quicker than Aurelia expected. Dinner the night before was deathly silent and gloomy. She, Captain Ceresse, and the person second-in-order, Sir Jackson, were the only ones who attended. Baiu stayed with Aurelia through the night, but she decided not to tell anyone about him. He was still considered a monster, even though he wasn't hostile.
A loud, rough knock snapped Aurelia awake. She jumped up and swung the door open. One of the nurses was standing outside. She smiled and waved. "Good morning. Captain Ceresse requested your presence at the Training Field in your uniform. The other trainees have arrived and are going to begin introduction at eight o'clock."
Aurelia nodded and rubbed her eyes sleepily. "Thank you, Miss."
The nurse shook her head. "No problem. I'll wait until you are ready, since you aren't familiar with the campus."
"Alright. Thank you again."
She closed the door and put on her uniform. It was tight, black leggings with a brown belt, along with a black tank top. Yet another abnormal thing about the "other world" to Aurelia. She didn't know what the belt was for, or why she needed it, but she'd seen her father with one before. It was made from leather, just like this one.
The nurse lead her out of the building to a large, open field of grass. Captain Ceresse was waiting for her, arms crossed, glaring at the forest. Sir Jackson was leading trainees into spots, then into organized lines. Aurelia remembered what Captain Ceresse had said- "Don't take it as a surprise if you are the only Woodland here". And she wasn't surprised. Every person she saw was pale or suntanned. She was pushed into line with all the other kids, then they all turned their attention to Captain Ceresse. Many of them were glancing at Aurelia as if she were a bizarre creature.
"Listen up, kindergarten brats," Captain Ceresse barked. "You all know what you've signed up for. You all are here to fight our enemies- the monsters. It's too late to turn back now. You'll train day and night and someday, hopefully, be able to defend this world."
The trainees were silent. Aurelia stared at her mentor, her eyes wide.
"You'll be given rooms, then groups. Then, depending on how goddamn stupid you are, you'll continue on as a soldier."
Like a warrior? Aurelia asked herself.
"You are at risk of death every second. I hope none of you are wuss bags."
Captain Ceresse and Aurelia made eye contact. These people don't even know you, Captain.
"My name is Captain Ceresse, by the way."
It was like she read Aurelia's mind.
The girl next to Aurelia was shivering. Her hair was long, curly, and blonde. Her eyes were as blue as the waterfall Aurelia loved to visit. She was petite, but muscular. After a few moments, Aurelia realized she looked very similar to someone she just couldn't recall. As soon as she looked back to Captain Ceresse, she knew who.
"Damn it, Mom," the girl whispered.
"Now, introduce yourselves to your fellow idiots. Full name, where you're from, if you have any experience with monsters, and if you have any family that came here," Captain Ceresse demanded. I could sense the confusion of why she would want us to answer the last question. She pointed to the front of the line, which was a muscular boy with long, blonde hair. He had a sharp jawline, and cheekbones. Every inch of his tall, structured body was muscle.
"Hudson Fryer, ma'am," he said loudly and clearly, "From the City of Veeram. I've fought an Ursus Diablo and the Violent Elves. My father, grandfather, and great grandfather attended this school." He seemed proud of everything he said. His words made Aurelia flinch. He is very young to have fought an Ursus Diablo. Even... even father couldn't defeat it himself, she thought.
"Great," Captain Ceresse replied gruffly. She pointed to the boy next to Hudson. He was the exact opposite- a skinny, somewhat short brunette. He looked shy and fearful, but there was a small gleam of determination in his sea-blue eyes.
"James Braille," he spoke, making direct eye contact with Captain Ceresse, "I'm from Cliffside, not far from Veeram. I'm the first in my family to come here, and I haven't fought anything."
Captain Ceresse only sighed. "Next."
The girl next to me smiled. "Vivien Ceresse. I've literally never been anywhere but here and Veeram. My mom went and goes here, and I've fought Ignis-Chiroptera, and and Urchin."
Captain Ceresse is her mother? Aurelia's eyes widened. Captain Ceresse turned her head away from her daughter to Aurelia. "Your turn."
Aurelia felt all eyes on her. "Aurelia of Ajua-Rine. I'm from the woods. Nobody in my family has ever attended here, and I've fought..." she trailed off for a moment, then formed a list. "Ignis-Chiroptera, Urchin, a Hairless Dog, Lizard, and a Monkey."
Captain Ceresse became uncomfortable. She looked as if something had completely erased from her brain. All of the trainees began to whisper.
"A woodland girl? She's gorgeous."
"Wow. A Hairless Dog? That's unbelievable."
"She's got too much pigment in her tree skin."
"Zip your shit mouths, all of you!" Captain Ceresse shouted. Everyone became dead silent. Aurelia stood tall, her exterior seeming brave and undefeatable.
"You. Start talking," Captain Ceresse hissed to the next girl. Her hair was unlike anything Aurelia had ever seen- it was curly, short, and red as fire. Her eyes were a pale green.
"Maggie Hering," she introduced, unfazed by Captain Ceresse's tone, "I live in the middle of nowhere, so I've got no answer for you there. My mother and brother came here, both died. I've fought a Palus Monster." There was an unbelievable amount of sass in her voice. For a short person, she sure had a lot in her.
Captain Ceresse scoffed. "Next."
The boy beside Maggie started talking nervously. Like James, his hair was brown but shaggy. His built was normal for a kid his age. "Um... my name is Jax. Jax Bryant. I live in Veeram, too... My dad came here. I've never fought anything."
"Quit the stuttering. Next."
The girl beside him smiled. Her skin was tanned, and didn't have a single mark on it. Her long, black hair fell to her waist. Her brown eyes stared at Captain Ceresse in joy. "Hi. My name's Rosa Natalia Martinez. I'm from the town of Santa Ira, smallest city around. Everyone in my family has been here at some point, but most of them were kicked out. My papi showed me how to fight the Iron Bull, but admittedly I've never been successful." She laughed nervously and pushed dark hair behind her beautiful, triple-pierced ears. Aurelia recognized the word papi to be another name for father in Spanish.
"Rosa, this is a training academy, not school," Jax whispered to her. She smiled again.
"I know."
"Wow. These years are going to suck," Captain Ceresse growled.
They went through the introduction with the rest of the trainees, then they all headed inside to the cafeteria. Aurelia chose a fruit-filled dinner, with leftover deer jerky from Ajua-Rine. She kept a strawberry to give to Baiu once she returned to her dormitory.
Aurelia finished her food rather quickly. Training didn't start until the morning, so she decided to go back to her dormitory. She went to take up her tray, but she was stopped by Hudson.
"I'll take that up for you," he said, smiling. Confusion flashed across Aurelia's face.
"Tch. What a gentleman," Maggie rolled her eyes and popped a grape into her mouth. "Boys." Hudson sighed at her.
"It's alright, I'll take it up," Aurelia replied, a dumbfounded look on her face. She set her tray on the counter, where it was whisked away by a cook.
"Second floor dorm?" Hudson asked, following her.
"Me too. See you at training tomorrow," he smiled at waved, then walked back to his table. James, Rosa, and Jax were sitting with him. Maggie and Aurelia were sitting together, alone.
Aurelia headed up to her dorm room, still wide awake like she knew she would be. Once she entered her room, Baiu purred.
"Hello, wild friend," Aurelia said, closing the door and kneeling beside him. He bounced away, up onto her bed, and hopped in circles around a book. She remembered it was the Book of Monsters. Baiu pushed it off the mattress with his nose, and it landed on the floor with a loud thump. Aurelia stared at him for a moment, then opened it up.

Sprouts (Germen)

These harmless creatures form when roots from trees break apart. They hop around on two, stick-like hind legs. Their eyes are pitch black with a dot of white, which is the only way anyone is able to tell where it is looking. On occasion, they will cling to the ankles of humans to slow them down. They are a main prey of many herbivore Monsters. These creatures can be found in any place with plant life. Rate on Rex's Scale- 1.

Albino Deer

White, four-legged creature with red eyes. They do not socialize with humans, unlike the Laetus Sciuridae. They are complete herbivores, and prefer to eat berries over anything. Also a main prey of carnivorous Monsters. Rate on Rex's Scale- 1.

Laetus Sciuridae

The most tame-able of all Monsters, ranging in pattern and body shape. They are four-legged, less than a foot long and tall, fluffy-tailed, and have furry bodies. They are every color and can have stripes, spots, or speckles. Some patterns are irregular. They are omnivores, but only eat small Monsters. They have strong jaws, and can bite to cause minor wounds. Their mischievous quality leads some to think they are untrustworthy, but they can be good companions. Rate on Rex's Scale- 2.

Firebats (Ignis Chiroptera)

Small, brown creatures that fly around in the air. Their wings are paper thin and breakable, but dangerously flammable. They can light themselves on fire whenever they wish, with the ability to burn down houses and forests. They travel in flocks, which makes it much more dangerous to encounter them. Rate on Rex's Scale- 4.

Fascination fluttered through Aurelia's body. She didn't know what was inside the book before, but she was glad she did then. Baiu purred and flipped the book shut with his paw.
Aurelia set the book on her nightstand, then took her pajamas out of her closet. "Training is tomorrow. It's very early, too." Baiu bounced up onto her bed and curled up in the center, then yawned.
Aurelia smiled. "Goodnight." She put her night clothes on, then crawled under the covers. For a moment, she thought about how much she missed Faye- how they used to run together, swim together, and play together. She thought about her parents- then realized she had left was Baiu.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2016 ⏰

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