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jbhbgvbibfhhuvd im dead

after a long, yet amazing night, michael sadly had to leave when his mother called him to return back home. not even realizing he had stayed until 3 in the morning. thank god my parents had stayed at a hotel because the both had a bit too much to drink. it would've been hard to explain how a teenage fairy-boy ended up in my living room.
we exchanged numbers and i really hoped i'll get to see more of michael.
however, my happiness had to end because i had to return to the agonizing job i held at the local diner. although pay and tips are well worth it, it's not an easy occupation. from cranky customers to my sexual harassing boss, i was in over my head. but who else was gonna be able to buy myself a car.
i dressed in my usual black jeans and black shirt as ordered. actually my boss told me to
wear short black skirts before i told him that will never happen in a million years. i would've told him worse, but i needed to maintain my low-volume status if i wanted to keep the job.
i checked my somewhat-neatly done makeup and sloppy tied-back hair in the mirror once before slapping the poor conditioned name tag on and walking out the door.
since i lacked the accessibility of a car, my only transportation option is the lanky, jean covered walking sticks some may call legs to take me a half mile up the rode. the worst part, it was all uphill. satisfying on the way home, but treacherous on the journey to work.
once arriving, i check my phone and notice i'm a couple minutes late. i needed to rush to hide from my boss and sneak into the kitchen where my apron is. unfortunately, i'm not the most coordinated person, and as i reached the kitchen door, frankie, the other bust boy was exiting with his cleaning supplies. as we collided, a mixture of dish soap and glass dishes descends its way to the floor and mostly on top of me.
screeching certainly didn't help my low-key attempt to avoid the consequences of my tardiness, and drew attention from all over the diner.
"amanda i'm so sorry!" frankie yelled. he frantically tried to clean up the dish water off my uni but there was no saving it.
"get off me frankie," i jumped up and looked down at the mess that was my life. "i need to go before justin comes and yells at me. tell him i have period cramps or something." i snuck right back out the door i came in. fuck me right.
i took the treck back home in my sopping wet clothes. i pulled off my black shirt considering i had a thin white tank underneath. i smelt like the bottom of a kitchen sink (be thankful if you don't know what i mean). tears started to welt up in my eyes. i hated this stupid job and this stupid world.
"hey loser what are you doing?" i heard a familiar voice from behind me.
"fuck off derek! today is the worst day ever," i pouted.
he pulled his red 1999 buick over to talk to me easier. "get in the car loser we're going shopping to get you a shirt that isn't see through."
"what??" i looked down to see the water had seeped through and gotten my entire tank wet as well. didn't help i was wearing a black bra.
"get in before someone comes to nab you for working the streets." he joked. i hate this boy, but he always knows how to get a laugh out of me.

so i took years to update so like... you're welcome? imma 3rd year college student now and i forsure started this in high school lol
still obsessed with michael, not much changes.

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