Author's Note

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I just want to clarify what I'm going to do in the following chapters. So when Naruto is born, I want him to be born in spring cause he will have his great-grandfather's Mokuton {wood style}. So I did so research on Google and I found the Japanese calendar, so the first day of spring in Japan is February 5- May 6, and then I found the elements of the days of the week. So one of the elements that went according to my plans was for Thursday, the element for Thursday is wood; tree, the Japanese word for that is Mokuyobi. I want Naruto to be born in April, and in Japan April means 'A flower of the genus Deutzia {look up Japanese calendar on Wikipedia} and a Deutzia is a flower native to eastern Asia, the highest species diversity is in China, and that's how I came up with Naruto's date of birth: Thursday, April 5. {Also look up Mokuyobi Japanese}.

{I hope that this is clear enough to understand}

{I hope that this is clear enough to understand}

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