More Than Friends [Taekwoon x Reader]

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Another day; another chance missed. A day full of regret and failure; at least that's how it was viewed through the eyes of a certain male, his heart in shambles, chained up by a H/C haired female. Locked up, his feelings remained untouched; never seeing the light of day. Never leaving his lips; left in the dark; sitting there. It was always like that ever since they met, ever since his endearment breeched to a full.

It thumped quietly; too silent to bare ears to catch. Naturally it slipped by; Taekwoon's eyes falling to the floor as he stalked through the hallways, buried deep into his thoughts; Y/N being his main focus of his thoughts. The main dilemma of his high school life. It was all her fault...or as it his? The dilemma nor the answer was clear, his thoughts now littered about in his messy state of mind.

He continued to stalk through the hallways, his eyes never wavering from the floor, occasionally bumping into the other students around him. Reaching his locker, his shivering hands gasped for his locker's handle, unlocking it first. He prepped up a smile; etching a forged smile on his lips, thin and unsatisfying. He knew she was coming, she always did.

He knew he couldn't do it, he never could.

"Hello Taekwoonnie~" Her sweet, sugar-like voice chirped as her arms clasped onto his torso, digging her face into his chest.

If one didn't know the relation of the two, one would have presumed that they were dating. They weren't. Taekwoon shyly wrapped his arms around her, his heart simply begging to spill. His heart battering against his ribcage, picking up the pace. He never knew why, but it her simple daily actions always made his heart race, aching; desperate for her love.

Next came her head, reaching up to his hair as soon as she untangled herself from him; ruffling his black hair, a smiled hung up on his face, masking his beating, hammering heart, beating only for her. Her honey-coated smile always gave his heart an extra punch. It hurt, but it was still a gleaming sensation; he always made sure to savour it; clinging onto every second as her hand waved back and forth across the top of his head.

Finally, it came down to her fingers gently gliding across his cheek, she always did that last. This simple action simply made his heart fluttering; shaking and shivering; like a jar of butterflies. Fragile, but what would happen when the butterflies escaped, the jar shattering into pieces.

She always did it, friendly gestures; hugging him, ruffling his hair, gently brushing her fingers across his cheek. It all made his heart tingly with a sad but ticklish sensation. As the days went by, he questioned, would he ever confess?

To pluck up the courage and spill his feelings to the H/C haired female was just a nice thought. He sighed as he flowed along with the river. Everyday went just the same, lessons came about, Y/N was always there; the source of all his love related problems.

However, he knew he would never let it grow into him. The way she smiled at him, her walk, her melodious voice; it made his heart grow erratic; different every single day.

"Come on! Our lesson is probably going start soon~" She sang, hastily shutting his locker; tugging him away, in which he silently obliged, annoyed with himself, he had failed once again.

Was it okay for him to remain like this?


The next day rolled around, another day for Taekwoon to fail. Another day would go by, a day where Taekwoon and Y/N would remain as friends; just friends. Nothing more; nothing less. The pain cupped in his heart was almost unbearable; almost. However, just to be with Y/N, he'd do almost anything.

"Hi! Taekwoon-ah, have you finished your homework yet?" Her voice yanked him back to reality, before he had just been moping beside his locker, absorbed in his thoughts.

"Yahh, don't tell me you want to copy them again?" He sighed.

She only grinned at his reply; already giving his an answer. Clasping her hands together, biting her bottom lip lightly as she handed him an apologetic look, before he stiffly and reluctantly took out his notebook. Joyfully accepting it, her fingers just barely whisked through his. They had made contact before; whether it'd be on accident or on purpose, it always made his heart sprint; despite knowing that they were all just friendly gestures; just a friendly gesture; he constantly tortured himself over that possibility; treating it like a fact.

"Thank you~ Wanna go to the library? I want to finish my homework~" She suggested, already hastily taking off.

 "Aigoo, wait up and that's my homework you're using to finish too!" He called out, following after her.


 Her eyes flicking upwards; between her work to Taekwoon's piercing casual gaze, which came directly from the right of her. The gaze that only caused her skin to shudder in anticipation, such an inviting peer could only caused her to squirm shyly. Only Taekwoon could cause that, just to her. Receiving no reaction from her best friend, she tried her best to shake it off; however, a residue was left. The residue left lead to more squirming performed by H/C haired female as she gave a meek attempt to proceed with her work. She didn't succeed. Eyeing her friend curiously, she raised an eyebrow as her shivering hand grabbing his attention. Snapping back to reality, his face flooded with a pink hue that rested well on his cheeks.

"H-Huh? What?" He wondered out loud, as he scanned his surroundings; the walls brimming with books sinking into his mind.

His mind registering the current situation at hand. Y/N's lips only curled up at his dozey reaction; her cheeks tinted with a pink hue but her peeking embarrassment was at the back of her head. A sudden desire to tousle his perfectly combed hair, perfectly in order; with such a complementary action it would come as no surprise she would sprout the idea of it. He was flustered reaction was just too amusing anyways.

Slowly, but surely, her hand began to pull up towards his head, distanced away; her hand almost felt gravitated towards it. A cheeky grin stretched out on her face, her hand barely, just hovering above the head of black hair; ruffling it like usual; a mask of a smile on Taekwoon's face.

"Your hair is so soft~" She cooed as her hand began to pat down on the flow of his locks.

Separating her hand from his hair, the curled up corner of his lips drooped down to a frown; his thin lips putting on a serious vibe to the atmosphere around them; the rest of the world blurred out from them.

"Huh, Taekwoon? Is something wrong?" She questioned, worrying.

He kept his words to himself; unsure of what to say. Afraid of failure; desperate to be more than friends. Left in a minefield he only averted his eyes; gazing straight into her E/C orbs.

"Y/N-ah... I like you...and I want to be more than a friend to you..." He confess, his words flowing freely as his tasteful word sank into Y/N's heart, registering into her mind.

"Taekwoon..." She muttered under her breath as their hands sank down.

"I love you Y/N, I hate it when you treat me like an older brother or just some friend. I want to be yours; more than a friend..." His grip on the H/C haired female's wrist loosening; finally separating.

"Taekwoon-sshi..." A small giggled escaped her lips as she took him his hand in hers, tugging him closer; her casual smile on her lips as her hand rose up his arms; leaving a tingling trail; her hand soon cupping his cheek, her lips just hovering above his.

"I like you too, more than a friend~" She justified before her lips sneakily pressed against his, quickly pulling back, leaving less to savour. "Now, excuse me I have to copy your homework~"

"Aish..." He rolled his eyes, his cheeks still dense with a reddening hue.Finally, he let out a sigh; relieved. His heart still craving for her lips but either way it was confirmed; they were finally going to be together...more than friends.

Author note: 안녕하세요💕💕. End of chapter. Let's look forward for the next chapter. How's was the story so far? Do checkout my other book too 》Unexpected [Nayoung x Hyuk Story ] ,VIXX LYRICS, VIXX MEMES☆, THE NEW MEMBER [ VIXX N LOVE STORY], Why, Mr Popular? 《 ♡♡♡♡ DO VOTE, SHARE & COMMENT!!! XOXO😙😙

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