Rule#6 || Transfer to 3E

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Rule#6 : Observed something that looks usual for you.
Today, is the day where Miyako will transfer to class E. Don't know why but it looks like Miyako become anthusiastic than before.

She cant wait to meet people in class E.

She locked her house and walked to school. She really like the fresh air when she walked it made her calm.

Enter the gate, she didn't walk to the main building instead she is climbing to the mountain where her new class will be. She climbed inside the forest and climbed.

' What a fresh air.. ' she thought.

Finally, she can see the old building in the middle of the mountain and decided to enter it. She searched for the office and knocked it.

Well.. she is in a good mood so, she can be well mannered when she want.

After heard the word come in, she opened the door to see the same teacher she met before sitting on the same desk as before. He gestured her to sit down in front of him and she just do so.

" Okay.. I already heard from the principal about you.. "

" Yes.. "

" Honestly, your action.. I can't describe it but.. you really love to get into trouble huh? Shirahashi-san? "

Miyako just laughed awkwardly, " I'm sorry sir, it just that.. Something tell me I must do it.. "

" Well first, I'm Karasuma Tadaomi from Japan's Ministry of defense but you can call me Karasuma-sensei like the other students. "

Miyako just nodded, confused to what to say.

" And there is, something I want to tell you before you entered your classroom. "

He gave Miyako a picture of some yellow creature? is it octopus? To her.

She looked at the photo in confused before realization hit her. " So, you want to tell me this is the creature who destroyed half of the moon? "

Karasuma stared at her in shock, " How do you know?"

Miyako shrugged.

" Yeah.. He is the creature who destroyed half the moon and the homeroom teacher of the Class E. " Karasume paused to see her reaction. He was a bit startled when Miyako just give him an emotionless face and gestured him to continue.

He cleared his throat, " Yeah.. He can moves really fast. His movements is 20 Mach. And I want you to kill this creature who will destroyed the earth next year in march if we don't kill him. "

Miyako prossesed the information in her head and smirk, " Heh.. isnt that interesting? "

Karasuma gave her a green knife and gun with BB bullets. " This is anti sensei knife and gun. This will harm the creature but this will not harm us."

Miyako grabbed it, " Thank you.. "

" And now, is the time for you to class... follow me.. "

With that, Miyako followed Karasuma behind and looked at her hand who has anti sensei knife. ' I cant wait.. No wonder I feel they're being secretive.. so, this is their big secret huh.. '


The yellow creature entered the classroom with his usual smile.

" Ohayou gozaimasu.. "

" Ohayou koro-sensei.. "

He put his paper down, " Maa.. I have some announcement to you all.. "

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