Chapter 5 Motel

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"Do not diss the best movie in the world, this movie was directed by Jim Sharman, the best director in the whole world."

"You mean the world that's currently ending." Lilac said raising an eyebrow.

"Like I said earlier, the world is not ending." Jon flipped around to face Lilac.

"Why are you so positive that we will make it, everyone is dying, my mom and dad, my sister, maybe even your parents." and with that Jon drew his hand in the air and slapped Lilac. "You prick." she said running her fingers along the red stinging skin that was now noticeable.

"Lilac, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it, it's just you said my parents could be dead, and I don't want to." Lilac held her hand up like a crossing guard would to a car.

"You hit me." she said, Jon watched her eyes fill with tears as she kept rubbing her cheek, he noticed a single tear fall from her eyes following the creases in her skin, coming out of the corner closest to the nose, falling till it reached the nostril and then went into the philtrum, then crossing over lips and falling to her shirt. Jon never realized how beautifully a tear could fall from a girl's face, he just didn't want to notice it this way, because he hurt a girl. "Jon, I need some time alone, I'm going to be in the lobby cleaning." and with that Lilac hopped out of bed, put the covers back nice and neatly, and strutted to the lobby, leaving Jon alone with his thoughts, and great movie. As Lilac walked down the hall she ran her fingertips across the doors and walls, switching from a bumpy, scratchy wallpaper to smooth wood. When she got to the Lobby she began to clean, she picked up chairs and straitened the coffee table. She took an old rag and some cleaner from the maid cart and began to wipe down the walls, and windows, and the counter tops. When she was done with that she sprawled herself on the baig old couch and closed her eyes, but she couldn't fall asleep. The image of Jon's hand coming in contact with her face, and the anger in his eyes, the grey slowly turned to red. His teeth clenched to the point of breaking, and the force he put into was unimaginable, he could have knocked her out. As she thought more about the slap the faster her heart raced, the colder her body got, the dryer her mouth got. Her eyes stayed closed but she could see everything, she body was stiff but she was moving. Then the stars that were popping in her eyes disappeared as a shadow crossed her face, she opened her eyes and met the gaze of Keelyn. Her smile revealed yellow spotted teeth that had a layer of brackets and wire. Lilac sat up slowly and cept the stare of her, "Hi Keelyn."

"Morning sleepy head." Her arms widened as she turned only her torso, as if she was showing of a magnificent art piece. "You cleaned up the place, looks good."


"But you didn't have to, it's just going to get messy again."

"How?" Lilac was confused and just a bit scared, her fingertips searched for her knife and gripped it firmly.

"Because there will be blood everywhere." she said while lunging toward Lilac jabbing her in the shoulder with a sharpened steak knife that she got from the kitchen. Lilac screamed in pain and kicked Keelyn in the stomach causing her to fall back and let go of the knife leaving it in Lilacs arm. Keelyn held her rib cage and coiled into a small ball as her tears hit the floor. Lilac pulled the knife out of her arm and with all her strength she pulled herself out of the chair, she walked over to Keelyn who was laying on her back looking up at her. Lilac then took the knife and dug it into Keelyn chest. Keelyn was now dead.

As her lifeless body lays on the motel floor, and a pool of blood surrounds her Lilac knew she did the right thing. Then the pain from her shoulder became unbearable and she was snapped out of the trance she was in. Jon turned the corner and found Lilac staring off into space and Keelyn on the floor bleeding out. "What did you do!" he said violently walking to her.

"She stabbed my arm on purpose so I stabbed her chest on purpose." she said kicking the body.

"She stabbed you?"

"Yes Jon, what do you think I did this to myself?" Jon looked at the pool of blood, realizing that he was standing in it.

"Well Jane." He was cut off by a hellstorm.

"Jane, you believe Jane but not the future mother of your kid? I can't believe this, you are supposed to be on my side, what happened in the past is over now and you can just leave it be. I never killed my parents, I never killed Mark and I never killed Danny!" Lilac was furious by this time and she knew that her face was red. With every word she spoke saliva flew from her mouth falling to the floor.

"You're right, I'm sorry."

"Whatever, just help me with this hole in my arm please."

"So you do know manners." jon muddered

"What did you say?"

"Nothing dear." Lilac then smacked him upside the head and they both walked to the med kit that was in there room. Patrick passed them in the hallway, he was humming a chirpy song and had a spring in his step. Lilac noticed a sparkly diamond rapped in wire, her stomach flipped and she quickened her pace.

"Jon we need to leave, right now." she said holding her wound.

"No, we are staying and we are going to build a life here."

"But what about finding your parents?"

"Like you said, they might be dead." And with that Jon walked to the room with Lilac following after. Lilac made sure that the door was locked and everything was together, just in case. Jon then prepared the wound for stitches and then turned on the movie that he had watched about nine times now. Right when he was about to start the stitching there was a loud knock at the door followed by,

"I know you're in there you bastards!" It was patrick.

"This is why we need to leave." Lilac said.

"None of this would have happened if you just cept your knife to yourself, god did first grade teach you nothing!" Jon said grabbing the bags and throwing a chair threw a window. Patrick somehow got through the door and held a gun to the back of Lilacs back.

"Don't move." he said

"Listen I'm sorry but your girlfriend was psychotic." She said

"I know but she was my psycho." he said pulling back the hammer on his pistol.

"Listen to the words that are coming out of my mouth, your gun is empty." Lilac said as she ran to the broken window and proceeded to jump of the second floor landing a pile of dead bush. Patrick pulled the trigger and realized that Lilac was right, the gun was empty. Lilac hit the floor and Jon was there to pick her up, they started running when all of a sudden Lilac stopped and turned to the window. "Hey Patty-boy." she yelled


"Guess what."


"I took your amo." she pulled the hammer down on the pistol and raised it up in the path of patrick, then squeezed the trigger. Ol Patty-boy fell onto the bushes and Lilac walked away limping and hole in her arm.

"You were right."

"What was that?" she said

"I said you were right, maybe they were a little crazy." he said scratching his neck.

"Dang right I was." she said 

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