Mira POV
I'm walking to school, as I enter people start to stare at me with looks of pity.
I open the class door and sluggishly walked to my chair, my classmates gather around me giving me advices to escape his plans and cruel motives. I appreciated her advice, but nothing's getting me out of this one.
Then the teacher comes silently and starts to take attendance. Only to stop when theres a loud slam on the door revealing the bully himself.
"Mr. jeon, mind telling me why are you late," the teacher asks strictly.
"Don't tell anything to grandfather, your pay will increase," he winks a the teacher. Jungkook walks to his seat which is and the opposite side of my table and puts his feet up on it.
My life, *sobs*
The teacher starts his lesson and I'm barely paying attention. I feel my phone vibrate so I look around to see if the teacher was teaching in my direction, thankfully he is not so I take my phone out and look at it.
'hello my beloved victim :p,' it read. I sigh again, when will this misery end!
I already know who it is (obviously) and I put my phone away. I glance up to see my teacher looking at me.
"Miss Choi you have detent- library detention," he says as he takes a quick glance at Jungkook.
"No! Not today, please sir! " I whine.
Okay, you might be wondering why library detention is given to me? It's because our school ends at 3 so our school locks automatically at 4.
So you have to hurry and finish fixing like millions of stupid books and hurry out of school before you get locked in, or you stay at school till the next morning.
I sigh hard, and take a glance at Jungkook who is giving me his signature spine tingling smirk. Oh! His face is so handsome yet he'e such a pain in the ass. Wait! What are you thinking Mira! Snap out of it!
At lunch, Eunhye tries her best to comfort me and tells me it's going to be okay, "Mira, just a few more days okay? It'll be okay." I smile at Eunhye's efforts to cheer me up, but I know whatever she's saying is a lie.
Depressed, I slowly eat my lunch. I sigh as Jungkook across the class observes my upset expression. When will he beer leave me alone!
Its 3:39 at school and I just entered the library because that Jungkook was trying to make late, which he succeeded in.
"Okay, you got this," I say to myself and hurry to place the books to there designated shelves.
After 10 minutes
3:49, I was starting to gradually give up. But I can't! Never! Never will I give that stupid Jungkook the satisfaction of my submission! Never!
"Oh shit, oh god!" I let out annoyed sigh to myself,since I only have 350 books left which are heavy as fuck.
My timer goes off and I jolt in surprise, oh great! Now I'm locked in school, it's 4:00.
"Guess your locked," whistles a douche of a Junkgook.
"No shit Sherlock, in fact we both are." I say sarcastically.
I still continue to arrange the books, then suddenly I feel warm breathing on my neck.
"What the hell, that's creepy!" And before I could make another smartass remark, Jungkook pins me to the bookshelf, I wince in pain as his grip on my wrist tightens. His body tight against mine, I smell his manly scent.

Фанфикin which, jeon jungkook makes the life of choi mira a living hell. but when she gets the courage to snap back, it only changes his view on her. too many problems, many bullies, but, one true love. ── © chogiout, 2020. completed. ( th...