Mira POV
That Chen came at the right time I wonder what would have happened then! God! It's makes me blush so hard!
I have to make sure no on sees anything anymore! I have to be alert! No more playing around Jungkook!
I also have to c-confess to him...
Anyway today is the report cards day also means world war, at least that's what my class says.
I am pretty nervous for my marks because, yeah I am hungry for good marks, like who doesn't want good grades!
So here I am walking to school with Chen who happens to 'accidentally' run into me.
"Hey Chen..do you by any chance like Eunhye.." I ask Chen breaking the awkward silence because of what he managed to stumble on in the classroom yesterday...
"Uh..what me...nah! That crazy girl nah!" He exclaims, whatever Chen says I know he likes Eunhye and I will support him in any way.
"What about Jungkook..." Chen asks slowly as I turn to him.
"What did you see!" I yell at him
"I see every thing! Plus Jin's spreading it everywhere!" he laughs and runs yelling 'catch me outside how bout dat'.
"We are outside how will I catch you! You dumbhead!" I yell and run behind him, I ended up stopping because that troll Runs too fast.
Jin better stop being a bitch and spreading weird things around about me and Jungkook!
Wait they are all rumours right!?
He didn't see anything real right!?
Today is no school we just have to come pick our repost cards and meet the teachers and go home to your parents and get scolded on your grades!
"Mira!!" I see Eunhye waving her hand frantically towards me.
"Did you pass!" She asks as I reply with, "I don't know."
After talking to Eunhye for five minutes I make my way towards my home room.
Good thing I don't see Jeon today! I feel so relieved!
I make my way towards my home room Only to see Jungkook leaning on the doorframe with his marks in his hand.
"Holy shit!" I say, I don't wanna face him it's gosh! So embarrassing!!
I look around to see if someone is going inside the class so I can walk with them, then Jungkook won't see me...well at least he won't come towards me I..hope so..
"Mira hey!" I turn around to see Eunhye.
"Oh my god! thank god you're here!" I sigh in relief.
"Wait what hap-" she looks towards the classroom and smirks.
"What are you smirking about!"
She grins mischievously, "fufufu~ Jin's been telling me things<3"
I slap her arm, "d-don't listen to anything he tells you!"
Ugh does everyone have to be involved in our business!
And that Jin! He seriously needs to stop!
"Come with me please!" I whine as she smirks.
"Sorry MIRA I have work to do!" She yells my name, as Jungkook looks up at me and smirks.

Fanfictionin which, jeon jungkook makes the life of choi mira a living hell. but when she gets the courage to snap back, it only changes his view on her. too many problems, many bullies, but, one true love. ── © chogiout, 2020. completed. ( th...