chapter five

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Sai's POV

Kate was asleep when I got home so I walked to my room took a shower and jumped into bed.  I couldn't help but text him:
22:30- hey it's Sai, just saying thanks once again. S
22-31- hi Sai, I'm the one who should be thanking you. Besides you running away from me the first two times, you've made me feel really welcome so thank you. C
I giggled at his response.
I fell asleep with a smile on my face and dreamt of something that felt too real to be a dream.

"You my love are never dull."

How do I know you're not just saying that because you're so drowned in your love for me

"You don't!"

Ahh fine. You do know my father won't be happy you're here you know that right?

"I know, but I love you and the MIST won't keep me from your sight"
Clinton I thought you said to be carefully with the L word

"no Sasha I said you should be careful with the L word, it holds a lot of power on your lips"

Well I know I said I hated, you but the truth is I love you...

I woke up almost immediately, I was Sasha, or maybe not I'm not blond after all. But that was definitely Clinton, very random
I went back to sleep, still had an hour to kill.

Clinton :" Mist how dare you, your own daughter once again? We had a deal!"
Mist:"we did, but I am the god and the gods daughter can never have all my powers just because I chose the wrong woman. She will too choose the wrong man or we'll keep going back."
Clinton :" she's my girl! We'll find a way to defeat you, this will be the last time."
Mist:" I guess we shall see."

Dreaming of Clinton twice was strange, and who the hell is mist didn't even see the dudes face. I have to keep it together and just be normal. When I pulled in the school parking space he was not there today, and Kate and Greg are skipping school today to go see some show, mumford and sons to be exact, so today I am completely alone. No Kate no Greg no Clinton.

My first class was English and slow it went. Today is going to be a drag I can feel it.

Clinton's POV

Kate, Greg and myself arranged to meet at Sai's house.
Kate and Greg were Sai's Shields, they have a part in helping her remember and to shield her from any enemies that may try to steal her, because that has definitely happened before, and their also there to make sure she is never in the same room as the Mist for too long. Sai's shields change so she would never really remember them from life to life or ever know of them.
Kate:" she had a dream last night and I had to shield her father's face so she doesn't go off running to him asking the wrong questions, plus we also don't want him to know you're back Clinton."
Clinton :" he already knows, when I dropped her off last night he was there."
Greg:" okay, I have a plan, we should let her come across the books, I'll go to her old home say she forgot a few books and take the books so she can read about who she is so when we tell her it's not all new."
Kate :"okay that could work, her first thoughts were that she's Sasha, then she brushed it off just because she had blond hair, so we getting somewhere."
The shields could read her mind and I only her emotions.
Clinton:" did she see that it was me in the dream?"
Kate :"yea but knowing her she thinks she only dreamt of you because you spent the night together. Greg get the books now."
Greg left almost immediately.
Kate :" Clinton what the hell were you thinking taking her out last night!"
Clinton :"why did you give her murder eyes forcing her to talk to me?"
Kate:"we had to get it over and done with, I'd like for my best friend to have her partner sooner than later."
Greg returned with all the books needed for her to know what's needed to be known and left them all on her bed with other books she had left behind for school. Hope this works.

Sai's POV

Sai:" I don't know how I survived today, not having all three... I mean the both of you, it drove me insane."
Kate :"having all three of us huh, I  know you Like him already. Anyways you have to tell me all about your date yesterday and your mom dropped some of your books earlier."
Sai:" nothing to talk about." I said almost too quickly.
On my bed I see three books, my economics book and a book titled the MIST and another titled the power of the Daughter.
All a bit random in connection with my dream last night with Clinton,the mist and the Sasha girl. I leave the books on my bed and walk back to Kate in the living room.
Kate:" did you see the books?"
Sai :"a bit random but mom knows what kind of books I like so I'll give them a try."
Kate :"okay awesome,  now tell me about yesterday and Clinton."
It's Impossible to hide anything from Kate almost every time I feel she can read my mind, but I trust her she's my best friend.
Sai :" okay fine, it's very odd I feel we have an undeniable connection, I swear I can read his emotions and he can read mine."
Kate :"do continue!"
Sai :" yesterday when I was walking towards him to give him his tour and what not, I can swear he was looking at me as if holding himself from me as if his hands wanted to reach for me but he held himself, and that was just funny, he's cute I mean those eyes those arms can we just..." I've said too much and Kate is looking at me as if she knew all this information.
Kate :" I like him for you he's cute, and definitely not that ass Luke. oh and we bumped into Clinton and his mom at the show." Ahh Luke, how much I loved you, I'm still shocked by the break up, its been two years but here I am thinking about him still.
Sai :"oh so he's a fan, good to know."
Kate :" yea anyways I'm leaving in a bit Greg is tacking me out for dinner." She looked perfect, she was wearing a purple dress that just fit perfectly,  she had a killer body every girl would kill for her slim body, beck I would kill for her body.
Kate :" I'm glad you like the dress. Oh he's outside already, love you bye!"
I spent most of the evening doing some homework and studying, when I looked at my phone I saw Clinton was calling.
Sai:" hey you, What's up."
Clinton :" hey, I skip one day and you've already forgotten my name?  Just wanted to check up on you since I didn't see you today."
Sai:"yea that's what you get for not coming to school. I'm doing good, hope you're well.  Kate actually told me she bumped into you and your mom at the show."
Clinton :"yup my mom and I are big fans of mumford and sons."
Sai:" I find that sad." I said as I  giggle.
Clinton:" I'm hurt Sai very hurt. So what are you doing this fine Friday night?"
Sai:" you're gonna think i'm so boring, I just got done with my homework and a bit of studying." I giggled. "What are you doing this fine Friday night? "
Clinton :"I like it when you giggle..." he said with a deep voice, and I could feel him smile with those beautiful lips of his. Get it together Sai, get it together!  "anywhoo I'm just as boring because I'm doing the exact same thing, wanna do something fun tomorrow, we can't possibly be this boring, what do you think?" He's very forward and I liked that.
Sai:" umm yea sure, what do you have in mind? "
Clinton :"lunch at your spot then we'll find a spot to make our own. Sound good?"
Sai:" looking forward to it."
Clinton :"see you tomorrow Miss red, try not to dream about me."
Ah this guy I can't!
Sai:" funny story I actually did dream about you last night."
Clinton :" oh yea, what was is about? "
Sai:" not really sure but I got very random names. Okay so there was you some Sasha girl, you two looked good together, I figured you're the blond type anyways some mist conversation too. And get this very random my mom got me a book called the Mist and another called the power of the Daughter. Random huh?"
I didn't even tell Kate, what's happening to me?
Clinton:"hmm, look here we'll talk about it tomorrow, my mom needs me for something right now."
Why would your mom need you at 23:00? Someone's lying.
When I hung up I took one of the books my mom got me the power of the Daughter it looked more interesting. Let's get to reading!

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