Chapter 2

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Hey, guys, my goal is to get to 7 votes and I'm sorry I don't post often I'm trying to balance school work and my other story. But here is another chapter. I hope you like it.


I grab my bag and start to head for the door hoping not to get trampled by anyone and we all hurry to get home. My hand presses against the cold metal of the door Handel when I'm suddenly yanked into an empty hallway. Victoria, the school slut slams me against the wall.

"you're a whore, keep your disgusting eyes off of my boyfriend. You could never be good enough for someone like him." Wait, whose her boyfri- oh yea. The schools mysterious bad boy and his group. Her boyfriend, Archer, his best friend Decibel, then there is Chase, Kota, and Victor. They do everything together, mainly. She lets go of me and I fall to the floor. She kneels down and slaps me across the face

"Stay the hell away from my boyfriend, she shoves my shoulders hard against the wall even though I am already sitting, my head slams against the lockers. She stands up and walks away to catch up with her group and her boyfriend. I stand up and everything is so dizzy, I pick my bag up and stumble out the door to head home. The dizziness just keeps getting worse and worse, I keep stumbling down the sidewalk and finally, I fall, I'm still very far from home. The cement is cold and wet and I close my eyes hoping to dull the pain, I hear voices. I feel someone lift my body off the ground and set me somewhere on the grass I feel something soft press against my head. I open my eyes and see a now shirtless Decibel pressing his shirt up against my head. Fear spread throughout my Body and I started to scoot backward. I felt my back press harder against the tree.

" Woah, it's okay calm down, what's your name?" I just stared at him, I grabbed a notebook out of my bag and wrote: " my name is Octavia, I'm mute." I held it up for them to see.

" Are you that mute bitch that's always bugging my girlfriend?" Archer asks and I can hear the annoyance in his voice. I flipped the page and wrote

"She's the one that's bugging me, she's the one who did this to me." I point to my head and see that Decibel is no longer holding his shirt to my head.

"Why would she do that?" Decibel asks. I point to Archer

"Because of me, what the hell did I have to do with this." Annoyance laced his voice.

"Dude, Victoria beats up anyone when she thinks they've been trying to go after you," Victor says calmly

"But I've never seen this girl in my life." He states. I press my hand against the tree and pull myself up. I try and sneak off while they are arguing. Kota grabs my arm and I noticeably flinch.

" where do you think you're going?" I stared at him with a confused look on my face. I take out my notebook.

"Home." I noticed that the others have stopped arguing and where now standing next to Kota. I flipped my notebook around and showed them what I had written.

" and how are you planning on getting there?" I look at them confused

"The same way I get home every day, walking." I wrote quickly and showed them.

Most of them shook their heads except Archer.

" Nope, no can do, we will not be responsible for your death especially after you just passed out because you hit your head." They quickly grabbed my hand before I could object and dragged me to their car which was close to where I had passed out.

" so where do you live."


We pulled up to a house a couple houses down from my own. I look at the time on my phone and see that I'm an hour late getting home, daddy's not going to be happy. I hop out of the car and when I'm halfway down this person's driveway I turn and slightly and wave. They pull away and I run to my house and open the door cautiously. My daddy has a beer can in his hand and is sitting on the couch with an angered look on his face. He turns his head when he hears the door shut and quickly gets up. I feel the sting of his palm on my cheek.

"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?" I am knocked to the ground by punches. He usually is careful of my face so they don't show, but today he must not care because I know for sure that I will have bruises on my face. I take a couple kicks to the stomach and he steps on my wrist, I scream out in agony knowing he just broke my non-dominant hand.

"GET OUT OF MY FACE BITCH!!" I quickly get up and hurry to my room ignoring the pain. I sit in my bed and take out the first aid kit I have created to my needs. I finish bandaging my wounds and I wrap my wrist in an ace bandage and put my wrist brace on hoping it will help it heal a little quicker and the brace has helped the other times he has broken my wrist. I grab my journal and climb out of my window which isn't too far from the ground. I sit down in the woods at one of my favorite parks which 10 minutes away from my house. I take out my journal and I grab one of my favorite pens and start to write some song lyrics and I sing along as I write.

Screaming, I can't get it out.

Can anyone hear me

Screaming, please help me out

Does nobody want me ~pause~ for me-e-ee

I sit on the bathroom floor tears running down my face wondering why nobody wants me

What did I do

I try so h-h-hard

Why can't you just wrap up and hold me in your a-arms

But instead, you knock me down, down, down again and again

I try my best- to be perfect but you never no-o-otice

But I still love you no matter what

Screaming, can I just let it out

Even though nobody will listen

Screaming, I'm gonna let it out

And I'm gonna make you listen

And nooootice me

And I'm scared that nobody will want me

And I'm scared that nobody will believe me

But still oh-oh-oh-oh

But still yeah yeah yeah yeah bUt still

But still, I'm gonna make you notice me.

[ I actually wrote this song, so no copying please it will literally break my heart if you copy this and claim it at as your own anyway back to the story ]

I finish singing and writing my song. I go to grab for my bag to put my journal in when I hear branches close to me snap, I look around me and stop. That's when I realized how engrossed I must have been while writing because I didn't notice Archer and his group standing not far from me, and I know that they did hear me sing.


Hey, guys sorry for taking forever to write this chapter I just couldn't find any motivation and then I got a couple likes on my story. So I'm like why not write another chapter to get this story rolling again. I did write this song so please don't steal it and claim it even though it's probably not that good I was going to sing it but I couldn't figure out how to add an audio to the story so sorry if you know how let me know in the comments below.

Love Y'all

Naya ❤️❤️





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