Madelynne Elizabeth

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Name: Madelynne Elizabeth
Birthday: December 21
Age: 2
Appearance: brown hair, blue eyes, short but fit
Personality: shy, nervous, quiet and laid back
Likes: dance, gymnastics, cheer, music, singing, dress up, costumes, dresses, skirts, bows, headbands, playing mom and dad hair, playing with mom jewelry, cuddling, stylish boots and flats
Dislikes: being away from twin/mom/dad, doctors, sleeping, taking baths, naps, the dark, rain, thunder, lighting, hitting, yelling, being in trouble, meeting new people, loud noises
-is a total daddy's girl
-has to carry around Paci, stuffed animal, and blanket
-has to be carried by dad all day
-has Lisp, can't pronounce all words and speaks in 3 person
-has separation annexiaty
-has to have nap or grumpy rest of day, wakes up at 4:30 every morning
-when meeting new people runs to daddy and hides head on chest, head, shoulder or leg
Parents: Val and Jenna

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