Rheagan Anna

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Name: Reagan Anna
Age: 2
Birthday: July 15
Appearance: Mix of brown and blonde hair, blue green eyes
Personality: sweet, is shy around those she doesn't know, goofy, bubbly
Likes: playing with her cousins, dancing with mommy and daddy, cuddles, her aunt Jenna and uncle Val, hair bows, rainbows
Dislikes: screaming, the dark, being alone,  when mommy and daddy are away, being quiet
-When she can't sleep she climbs into her parents bed
-She gets really bad headaches
-Is horribly allergic to all nuts
-Has a teddy bear named daisy that she sleeps with every night
-Is super attached to her dad
-Loves the outdoors
Parents: Maks and Peta

Thanks to @anna5005 for the application for PETA and Maks spot. I hoped you liked this chapter and if you did give it a vote and comment. If you have any suggestions or feedback don't be afraid to comment them. I hoped you liked it and it kept you wanting more, again if not please tell me. I will update as soon as I can, when I can probably later tonight. Bye for now! ~Madelynne~

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