Who am I?

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Where am i? What is this? Where's pluto?
he is not with us anymore
what do you mean?
He's dead,Earth
"Who? Who am I?" Earth moaned sitting up in the middle of the woods

"I'm sorry,did you just ask who you were" a strange man said with a Kentucky accent

"I'm sorry it just feels like I could be someone else" Earth said

"Well are you asking what's your name or who you are because who you are is a more of a philosophical sense you know I'm me but to you your me hehe trippy isn't it" the man said

"Whats my name? And who are you?" Earth said confused and rubbing his head

"Well your Earth and I'm Venus we're actually kind of the same exact person with the same memories only different" Venus said

"Earth and Venus? Like the planets?" Earth questioned

"Don't you even get me started on that bullshit people around here will take that shit to heart like its some sort of authority Mr. Washington did that so that he could keep track of who we are" Venus said angrily

"Well if we're all the same then why do you have a Kentucky accent?" Earth said

"I just gave myself this little persona so I could stand out a toothpick,an accent,A cowboy hat" Venus said

"But why did Mr.Washington program us?" Earth said

"He's trying to build the perfect AI a true soldier if you will to put into a robot one that's perfectly sound,perfectly stable for combat and that special somebody is you,Earth" Venus preached

Mercury walked out of the facility and into the woods with a shotgun in hand "you better duck you fucking head because someone about to die!" Mercury yelled out before firing two rounds

"Shit,get down!" Venus said to Earth

"Who the hell is that?!" Earth shouted

"He's Mercury the second AI he's a little fucked up in the head don't you remember" Venus yelled grabbing his pistol

"I'm sorry my head hurts I'm must have amnesia or something" Earth said

"Well as of now we have two options hide like pussies or convince Mercury you really are a soldier and not another failure AI" Venus said

"And I know just how to convince him" Earth said looking at Venus mysteriously

Venus walked put of the woods with Earth pointing his pistol at his head

"Well lookie what we have here" Mercury said sarcastically

"I caught the rebel,nice shooting by the way" Earth said

"Don't be a kiss ass soldier, now get in the facility for your breifing I'll take care of this garbage" Mercury said

"Your making a mistake" Venus pleaded to Mercury

"Shut up!" mercury shouted at Venus "now get inside"
Earth walked into the building and downstairs for his briefing

"Why hello there the name's Moon but you can call me Luna for short" Moon said

"Hi,I was told to come down here for my briefing" Earth said confused

"By whom?" Luna said

"Mercury" Earth said

"Him,oh he's a nut he was born with a glitch" Luna said

"A glitch?" Earth said as a tiny strip of blood came out of his nose

"Oh no" Luna said looking at Earths nose

"What do you mean uh oh?" earth said wiping the blood from his nose

"I think you've contracted a virus from Venus,its the same one Sun died of" Luna said "but luckily for you there's a vaccine that prevents it from getting too deadly"

"Ok is that it?" Earth said

"Why heavens no" Luna said "there's one last test there's 3 items on this table a pencil, a baseball,and a gun which one's the gun?"

"Are you kidding me?" Earth said

"So you don't know?" Luna said

"Seriously,the guns the gun I don't know what your testing" Earth said pointing to the glock

"Are you sure?" Luna said

"Yes I'm fucking sure!" Earth said angrily "if you don't pass me with flying fucking colors a bullet is going to pass through your skull" Earth said picking up the gun from the table

"You passed" Luna said with a cheeky smile "the first iteration of you thought the pencil was the gun this proves that you are a true soldier"

"What's Mr.Washington's plan anyway?" Earth asked

"Once he finds out that you are a stable AI he'll use the same formula to make copies to put into robots he'll make an army out if you" Luna said

"That's kinda messed up" Earth said

"Oh yeah and if you see Mars give him my regards I'd hate it if he falls victim to the virus" Luna said

"Uh ok" Earth said walking out of the facility

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