I care about you. (chapter four)

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I walked into Justin's room and ran over to his side and took his hand. He was asleep so I knew he couldn't see/hear me I kisses his forehead and looked at his face he had two black eyes, a busted lip, bruises on his cheeks and the rest of him probably look as bad. I texted Tyana telling her to go to ny house and go get some clothes and my stuff I need because I'm staying with him. She came in the room thirty minutes later.

"Hey girl here is your.... oh my gosh look at him!"

"Thanks and I know I feel terrible this happened to him." I ran my hand through his hair. "I wonder who did this to him. Or what he did to deserve it." "What makes you think he did something? Because he doesn't play sports? Because he isn't popular? He is just like up T... No he isn't he is way better." "Anna I didn't mean it like that... I'm sorry it's just I go with Ryan tells me about him.. Anna he isn't who he wants you to think he is." I looked down at him then at her, "what do you mean?" "It's not my place to tell.

He can tell you when he wakes, I'm going to head home it's getting late. Bye girl." "Bye chick" I walked over to her and hugged her bye. What did she mean he isn't who I think he is? I went into the bathroom and put my hair in a high messy bun, I walked out and sat in the chair by his bed and watched the news. It was now 12:00am and Justin still hasn't woken up I layed my head on the side of his bed and began to doze off. I heard someone groan in pain I shot my head up and saw it was Justin holding his side.

"Justin baby, what's wrong?"

"I was trying to cover you up but I am a little sore." I stood up and rubbed my hand over his cheek and smiled at him. "You're so sweet baby. But I'm fine."

"Why are you still here? You need to get home and sleep."

"No I'm not leaving you here in the hospital alone I am staying with you then taking you to my house for you to heal correctly."

"Fine. But I'm only agreeing because I'm tired."

"Oh it has nothing to do with the fact that I am a hard ass?" I smirked at him and leaned over him. "Well I know you have an ass but is it hard?" I took his hand and put it on my waist and lowered it to my butt and squeezed it. "mmm it's kinda hard." "Oh really now?" "yupp." He squeezed it again and I lowered my lips where they were just inches above his I bit my lower lip and he licked his. He squeezed one more time making me gasp and he kisses me his hands went up on my waist since mine were supporting my body hovering over his. He bit my lower lip and I gladly let him in my mouth, we were making out for ten minutes then we pulled away and placed our foreheads together and was smiling at each other. "Wow. That was amazing."

"Well I was worried about you baby."

"I can tell. I'm glad you were it means something."

"yeah it means that I care about you babe."

"And I care about you babygirl." I smiled at him, he moved over a bit and I crawled into bed with him and he sung a song to me making me fall asleep in his arms. He had the most amazing voice I have ever heard.


ooh hot in the hospital. (;

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