Chapter 8-Milo's Clip

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You woke up feeling much better. The once dark bags under your eyes were fading away. A good nights sleep didn't help with the mess of your (H/C) hair though. You trailed downstairs and opened the fridge. It was stocked with foods. With all colours of drinks and fruit, to foods to last about a week. Your mother must have gone shopping earlier. You grabbed a bowl, the milk and your favourite cereal. The bowl looked old so first you rinsed it out, there were some chips in the side. It was white with light blue designs going around it. You poured your cereal in and then the milk. 

Once you had finished your cereal, you felt a bit more awake and shoved the empty bowl in the sink. After this your mother came in with a bag of food in a brown paper bag. You could see some jars of what you assumed were sauces and some more cereal. Megan also came in with her with another brown bag fulled with shopping. They both placed the bags down on the table and started unpacking as if you weren't even there. That shows how much they care about you in this family....

Your P.O.V

I sighed heavily as I walked past my sister and mum outside. They seemed to just act as if I was invisible. What a surprise there...As I walked outside I was hit with a slight breeze on my legs and arms. I could see goosebumps start to form on my skin as the cool morning air was blown towards me. I sat on the front porch with my legs crossed and looked at the sun rise. Just how early is it? I normally wake up at around noon not this early in the morning! As I surveyed my surroundings, the way the trees blew in the slight wind, the way the sky changed colour and the way the church stood out from it all, I noticed that thing again. But his time, instead of focusing on your family, he stared directly. At. Me.

This sent even colder chills down my spine as he lifted his arm and pointed towards the church... I blinked and he disappeared. I was contemplating whether or not to enter the church. After a while of sitting and thinking, I decided I would. I got up and started to make my way over. Immediately regretting not putting shoes on as it was freezing under my feet. I tried not to think about the cold much as I focused on the church. It's presence seemed even more intimidating the closer I got. With each step I thought of ignoring it. But I couldn't. I was just so curious of what could be inside and why he would be pointing at it. I mean I still didn't know 'his' name, or why he is even here. 

I got to the doors of the church that seemed to tower over me and opened them a crack. Nothing seemed out of place from the first time I went in do I thought that I would investigate more. It was always colder in the church than it was outside, as if the air conditioning was always on - even thought it didn't have air condition in the first place. I made my way through and into the long corridor at the back of the church. There he stood. His face was even creepier than before, and is non existent eyes seemed to stare into my (E/C) ones. He stepped a bit to the left and behind him was a camera. It looked very old and was lying sideways on a table. I felt that he meant something by showing me this but I didn't want to think about it.

Author P.O.V

Your attention was focused on the walls as blood started to pour down them and appear on the old floorboards beneath you. Panicking, you looked back to where he was and he had left. Behind were he stood just a few moments ago was 'Bughuul'. The camera was gone along with him. You didn't stand around much as you looked back to walls and all the blood was gone, as if it was never there in the first place. You ran out of there as quick as you could be, the image of the blood oozing down the walls still fresh in your mind.

Running into the house, you slammed the door shut behind you and sprinted up the stairs. You locked yourself in the house that day, you didn't eat and you didn't talk to anyone, you only thought that the camera might be for you to make your own video... No. You couldn't make your own video of you killing your family. Sure you hated them and they paid no attention to you what so ever, but you could never kill them....Could you? All these questions and thoughts raced through your mind as you felt a familiar presence.

"What's wrong?" His voiced sounded curious yet caring. He always started your encounters with a question. "Nothing." Was your only response as you gave him a warm smile. You got up and out of bed ad followed him downstairs yet another time to watch a clip. Thoughts started to cloud your mind if he made a clip...maybe that is why he is showing you these ones, to make you make one yourself. You both entered the basement and he showed you a tape that was called 'Sunday Service'. His face filled with excitement as he put it in and you both sat down. "This one's mine." He beamed, his voice was filled with warmth and enthusiasm as the words came out of his mouth. This solved your thoughts as you now knew you had to make one...

The clip started in a church, it looked like a normal church ceremony. But you knew it wasn't going to be normal for long....Some people, who you assumed were Milo's family, stepped up at the front. You could tell that the camera was sat down and after a few seconds, Milo appeared at the front with them. They all drank from these golden cups and as you watched, you noticed some silver bowls. The same type of bowl that you saw in the church the first day. After the family sat down again the scene changed. It was still in the church, but it was dark and looked like the church now. His family was nailed down to the floor by their wrists and ankles and formed a pentagram. Each family member had one of the silver bowls strapped to their stomachs and were trying to free themselves. In the middle of them was a black pot, the lid was lifted to show charcoal. Milo took a lighter and lit it on fire then left it. He circled the family a few more times before Bughuul appeared in the darkness and rats ran towards the family. They stood on their stomachs and Milo closed the bowls and tightened the straps so a rat was inside each one. He went back to the pot and lifted the lid with a pair on tongs to show burning hot charcoal. He picked up a piece with the tongs and placed at least two pieces on each bowl. they are started squirming. Muffled screams were heard as he stood and watched. A pool of blood formed around each one as he focused on their sides. After a while, a rat appeared from the side of their stomachs.

You wanted to throw up. He had his family eaten alive by rats. And you watched it. The rats came out, soaked in blood, like the one you had seen. He stood up and smiled to himself, it was sadistic and dark. "Only one more left..." His voice sounded dark to match the smile plastered on his face. "No..." Was your only response as you walked out the basement and towards your room...



I hope you like this chapter :D

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