Mystic messager

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Jumin's POV
I woke up, my phone was buzzing. I guessed that they were texting. So I didn't mind. I went down stair with Elizbeth the thrid. I gave her breakfast and petted her.

Zen's POV
So I was texting MC, Yoosung and that joker Seven. We were just talking about the party, it was coming up soon. We listed names and groups. Good thing Jumin didn't come in and Meow. Ugh, my nose is inching by thinking about that.

Jumin's POV
Soon as I was done feeding Elizbeth the Thrid, I went to get my phone. I looked at the chat. I wasnt to surprise on what they were talking about. It was about the party. I was wondering why there talking about it. It's in Four days until the party is gonna be hosted. I didn't mind.

Zen's POV
once I was done texting. I decided to practice my lines. Once I was done. I started to practice more and more until it was sunset. I wanted to know what Jumin is doing. But if I text him, he might Meow to annoy me. And that's when I received a message...

Jumin's POV
I was petting Elizbeth to sleep. Once she was sleeping like a angel, I texted Zen to see what's on his mind. Of course i would say Meow to annoy him, but... I'm very interested on what's going on in his mind. These are the words I texted him. "Hello Zen, what's on your mind? besides the party"

Zen's POV
It was from Jumin. He asked me what's on my mind. I was wondering why he wants to know. Someone like Jumin? Asking me what's on my mind? Wow. I never could have guessed he wanted to know what's happening in this beautiful, Flawless Mind.

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