Yes? No? Maybe?

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Sorry for mistakes

1 month later

"No they weren't changing bodies   with Mark and Jack because they were too depressed"

Anti's POV

"It was 1 month since I left Dark and Emily but it wasn't my fault at all I still love him and Emily so much but I don't think he wants me anymore well I don't care because Emily is my kid too and I think I deserve to see her again I think there is a plane for L.A. in 7am"

He packed and got to the airport

1 day later

He arrived to his old apartment

Knock knock

Emily:daddyyy *hugs*
Anti:wow you grew up so much can I come in?
Emily:sure I'm so glad you came *smiles*
Anti:how are you doing in school?
Emily:pretty good
Anti:great so where's Mark?
Emily:in his room..
Anti:can I see him..?
Emily:as you want
Anti:*got upstairs* "oh man I missed those stairs...should I come in...?"

Knock knock

Dark:yes Emily?
Anti:*opens the door*
Dark:whats wrong? *look at the door*
Dark:*stands up* h-hey...
Dark:why did you came?
Anti:I-I wanted to see Emily
Anti:might I stay 2 days..?
Anti:*about to leave the room*
Anti:*turned face to face*
Dark:can I talk with you?

They sat on the bed

Anti:*little smile*
Dark:what's wrong?
Anti:nothing I just can't believe that my side is not touched like the picture,pillow...
Dark:yeah I didn't wanted to touch anything..
Anti:well thanks
Dark:no problem
Anti:why are you wearing all black?
Dark:I've been depressed lately..
Dark:I know we are over and everything but can I not call you ex...
Anti:um sure
Dark:that's not what I wanted to ask all
I wanted to ask you c-can we start over again..
Anti:you mean our relationship?
Dark:yes *looks down*
Anti:I don't know
Dark:I know why you don't want but..please give me one more chance just think about that for those 2 days and at the end tell me
Anti:ok *left the room and goes downstairs*

Emily:I missed you so much
Anti:I missed you too
Emily:are you still my dad?
Anti:I guess I'm not..
Emily:but how?
Anti:well it's complicated
Emily:*looks down* how long are you staying...Jack
Anti:"when I heard that Jack I felt broken" 2 days you won't be coming back again
Anti:maybe I will but I don't know when...

2 days later

Dark:what did you choose? Will you stay or...
Anti:I didn't had enough time to think about it my plane is coming in 3 hours I will sit here so please don't bother I need to think really hard about this!

Anti:"what do I do"
Jack:"give him one more chance"
Anti:"I don't want to be hurted again"
Jack:"I know that feeling but give him another chance you're not paying anything.."
Anti:"I don't know the answer for now is maybe"

Sorry for short chapter guys I don't have time because tomorrow is Monday so...fml anyway
Bye for nowwwwwwwwww

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