Chapter 1: Sanctuary

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This is too Kj who not only inspired a character, he IS the character :) xxx


The castle is an epic structure surrounded on all sides by small houses and shops after that the entire structure is surrounded by The Wall. It has one gate that they only open once a month. Witches run everything here, female and male. I half expected warts and black cats, but it could never be more different. The women are beautiful, but hardworking and the men are strong, well-built and handsome.

 Rega and I had two weeks to settle before school started. We had a dorm room that could possibly house a small family in it, but that only contained two beds and two desks with chairs. We were supposed to fill the space with what we want. With-in a day Rega had bought a massive cupboard and floor length mirror, the next day it was filled with clothes. Some more extravagant than I had seen in my life.

 I wondered what my parents would say, but couldn’t dwell on that too much, they weren’t missing me the school had made sure that they believed I was off in some strange school living with Kai. I couldn’t think of Kai either, he was off somewhere teaching my brother to hunt without killing people. I sigh knowing that I’m like a child; I don’t know what to do anymore.

 I’m a vampire hunter/witch. Whose brother is a vampire and who might be falling for another vampire.

 What is wrong with me?

 On day three I decide to go walk around the castle after Rega scolds me for being anti-social and stupid. She says I’m in a gigantic castle filled with people and an unlimited cash supply (since I have no witch relatives I cant have any money to spend so the school is paying for everything and anything I could ever want as long as i agree to attend the extra classes they have outlined for me). I’ve twice tried to talk to the small clusters of girls around the castle, but none seem willing to help the girl who can’t even make a decent potion.

 I wonder through the place taking notes of bathrooms and the cafeteria. Oddly the doors break the medieval theme the castle seems to underline. They are a lightwood with a window so you can see into the classrooms; they also have small plaques dictating what lessons are held inside.

 I skip the one marked “Training”.

 Soon enough though I come to the library and my heart sings. Peace, quiet, finally!

 I slip through the door, I’m not a bookworm, but previously being in school when the taunting became too much I snuck to the library. It was a sanctuary; I hoped this one would provide the same safety.

 This library was bigger than the one at my last school. It spanned at least fifty feet across and it was probably fifty feet long too, wooden floors and walls. It had row after row of wooden shelves that housed the books and small red beanbags between each shelf so you could sit on them.

 Too the right hand side of the door was a bunch of study cubicles. All that ran through my mind was, how do they keep it clean?

 I stared at it in amazement for a few seconds before I hear the music. I smile as I recognize Demi Lovato’s Lightweight.

 I look around and find that in the whole last cubicle sits a guy, he’s singing along with it merrily as he scribbles down words on an exam pad. He’s African-American and has his black hair is twisted into knots all over his head. He’s tall and gangly, but he looks like a teddy bear. He’s still singing till he notices me standing there and he stops in the middle of a word, “Please don’t tell me you heard that?”

 I nod and smile, “I like her too.”

 “Really? I think she’s amazing! Like she’s my idol!” he’s smiling like a young boy and I know I’ve just found a potential friend.

 I sit on the chair next to his cubicle and he turns so he can face me, “I’m Kj by the way. And I’m gay, if you can't handle it then shame for you buddy!”

 I love this guy and start to laugh, “I think I can handle it.” I smile at him.

 “Good because any person who likes Demi Lovato is a friend of mine!” 

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