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If this isn't already obvious enough, this is kunoichi chats!

Here, we will be hosting chats and chat rooms between our kunoichi (workers) and civilians (readers/writers)! You will be watched over and take any jobs assigned by your admin head, Tenten (lolaDawn).

We will be talking on the subject of many things, i.e. reader suggestions, writer help, character and plot development, help around, and even just little things we missed or subjects you may have questions or follow ups on. It is advised to work together for the chats!

Because come on, what's a universe without communication?

Please note that we can decline your request to join if your writing is not up to our standards.

: :

Of given characters, you are to choose from:

(Note: Both places are currently open to applications!)

💋 Karenbana

💋 Amaru

💋 Suiren 

: :





Best written work yet:

Why you want to be part of this community?:

How often are you on Wattpad?:

How often are you chatting with people? How casual do you get?:


How many episodes/chapter have you watched/read from the anime/manga?:

Are you part of any other communities?:

If you are excepted, please send your best-written work's title to us through Direct Messages.

¡Tag three people who would be interested in this!

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