From the Heavens

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I decided to add the alternate opening because something about it makes me like it better ^_^

All of the dialogue and events are from memory so sorry if some things are off. Of course, there is a few extra dialogue and modifications so.....yeah.

On with the story!

The siblings were flying high on an airship, sailing through the puffy white clouds as the propellers whisked around rapidly. The town of Selphia was a long trip from where they lived, so the two had to wake at the crack of dawn in order to avoid missing the airship to Selphia. Frey had always been a morning person, waking up long before the scheduled time. Lest, however, despised anything related to morning. He would literally beg to remain in the comfort of his bed for the rest of the day. Of course, his request was always denied, and everyone in town would have to deal with a grumpy Lest all morning.

But now that evening was beginning to fall upon the siblings, Lest was now his usual mischievous self. The blonde had managed to climb onto the edge of the bow of the ship, using nothing but his own two feet to balance him.

"Yeah! I'm flying high, baby!" Lest shouted at the top of his lungs. You could hear the echo of his voice over the whizzing of the airship propellers.

Frey, of course, was not a big fan of his careless actions. She had been waiting for Lest to do something stupid ever since they stepped foot on the ship. It surprised her that it took him this long to do said action. With a puff of anger and a crease in her brow, Frey stormed over to her brother and tugged him back into the safety of the ship.

"Lest! Get down from there!" Frey snapped. "We're up so high! What if you fell off?!"

Lest chuckled as he ruffled his sister's hair.

"But I didn't."

Frey glared.

"But what if you did?! No way you'd be alive from a drop this high!"

Lest raised a brow.

"As I said before, I didn't fall. Gosh, you can be such a worry wart sometimes!"

Frey crossed her arms and lifted her nose in the air, scoffing at the individual before her.

"Well sorry for being concerned for your safety! And if anyone here is being difficult, it's you!"

The captain of the airship had been listening to their conversation. How could he not? They were the loudest ones on this ship!

"I take it you youngsters are related?"

Frey jumped at the sudden additional voice. She turned around, locking eyes with the joyful captain. Smiling, she nodded.

"Ah, yes. Siblings, actually. Of course, I'm the one whose right in the head. I don't think Lest knows what he's talking about most of the time."

"I don't even know what you're talking about most of the time." Lest mumbled, just loud enough for his sister to hear. Growling, Frey smacked him hard on the shoulder. This earned a joyous laugh from the captain.

Siblings of High NobilityWhere stories live. Discover now