[13]: girlfriend & best friend

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"Prim, slow the fuck down!" A low cracked voice yelled from behind me.

It was passing period, the last period of the day and Luke has been following me around every chance he got the entire day, trying to talk to me but I wasn't having it.

"Stay the hell away from me, Luke!" I yelled at him not even bothering to look back.

"I've been showing up to your house all week. Your mom said she kicked you out. What's that all about?"

I stopped in tracks and turned around waiting for him to catch up to me. "You fucked her."

"I'm aware. But just listen—" He tried to reach out to grab my hand but I moved away.

"I hope she's the best pussy you've ever gotten considering you didn't want mine." I said through gritted teeth. "Leave me alone, please. You're the perfect example of why I didn't want to bring myself to love someone."

"Look," he sighed. "Baby, all I can say is that I'm sorry."

I looked him straight in his eyes, shaking my head slightly. He was making pissed each second. "I'm not your baby."

Being with Harry made me feel safe. I couldn't explain it, I just missed him so much. I told Dana that I had to go back home to get more stuff while my mom wasn't there. I won't tell her about Harry.

"You've been quiet." Harry observed, rubbing small circles on my stomach as I laid on his lap.

We were in the living room watching another episode of Criminal Minds. Both of us came to the conclusion that it's our favorite show hours ago.

"Have I?" I didn't mean to it's just that so much has been going on with me and I have yet told Harry about it all. I mean, how could I?

My mom, your ex fiancé, had sex with my ex boyfriend.

She also kicked me out because I exposed her.

Oh, and that bruise on my face is from when she slapped the shit out of me and not from just "an accident at school".

And one more thing, I saw my dad.

I didn't want him to get hurt is all.

"Can you spend the night? It's Friday." I could hear the hope in his voice. He actually wants me to stay.

"I'll ask Da—" I stopped myself from saying Dana. "I'll see."

I pulled out my phone and quickly texted her, the lie that I came up with was stupid but I knew she would believe me.

Me: im staying over my dads be back tomorrow

Seconds later she responded back.

Dana: shit! ok hunter misses u *kissy sounds*

I laughed when she mentioned her bother and stuck my phone back in my pocket. I looked up at Harry who's face was concentrated on the tv. "I can stay." I tell him.

"Perfect." He smiled. "Can I finger you?"

I nearly choked on nothing but air at his sudden question. "You don't even have to ask."

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