Chapter 2: Night school And Blood

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Vita's POV:
I woke up to a knock at my bedroom door I got up feeling full of energy and walked over to the door opening it revealing Reiji I rolled my eyes before looking to him with a look that said 'what' he sighed and held out a coat hanger with some clothes on it to me I took it from him and just looked to him,

''its your school uniform we leave in an hour so change and get ready, we will meet you down at the main entrance in one hour do not be late'' he said bluntly before walking away I sighed and closed the door after entering back into my room placing the uniform on my bed,

I looked to it once before walking over to my window and opening the curtains up the moon was high in the sky and it was dark out I walked over to my bedside table and looked at my phone the time was 6:00pm so that meant school lasted from 7:15 un...

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I looked to it once before walking over to my window and opening the curtains up the moon was high in the sky and it was dark out I walked over to my bedside table and looked at my phone the time was 6:00pm so that meant school lasted from 7:15 until what like 11:45? So 4 and a half hours with lunch at 9:00? Wow night school must be decent if it is as short as that even though I still don't care about grades.

I sighed at the thought of still having to go to school but I walked over to my bed and pulled on the uniform before pinning my hair back again I looked in the mirror as I tied the red ribbon around the collar of my shirt then pulling my blazer over the top. Man I feel so weird having to wear a uniform but I really don't have a choice huh?

I bit into my wrist again making sure not to stain my sleeves, I may live with vampires now but I'm still not going to ask them if I can drink their blood that just sounds stupid. I sighed and looked at my phone again it was almost about time that I was to meet the brothers so I walked out of my room and down the stairs into the main hall, once I got there I noticed that the only other person there was Subaru I walked over to stand next to him,

''where's four eyes? He was pretty strict about trying to get me down here does he always act like he has a stick jammed up his butt?'' I said turning to face him he looked surprised but I swore that I saw him smile a little before he turned to me showing that he was indeed smiling

''heh yeah I guess you could say that. He's like the bossy mother who is all 'do this or I will punish you' it gets old after a while. Knowing him he's in Shu's room trying to drag the lazy bum out of his bed same with Ayato and Laito, and Kanato is probably throwing a tantrum about having to go to school again'' I pictured Reiji grabbing both of Shu's ankles and physically dragging him out of his bed as he slept before the blonde vampire face planted on the ground whilst getting lectured by Mr. stick up his butt.

I felt myself smiling before I ended up laughing Subaru looked to me then thought back on what he said and I had a feeling that he was imagining the same thing I was because he started to laugh along with me,

''hey look at that the two tsundre's are actually laughing!'' we heard a voice say we stopped laughing and glared to the doorway to see Ayato standing there with a smirk on his face I growled under my breath and I could tell Subaru was just as pissed as I was but before he could move I ran at Ayato pinning him against the wall by the collar of his blazer, the force left a large cracked hole in the wall as Ayato's eyes widened as he stared into my eyes, I swear they were filled with the look of murder because the smirk vanished from his face and he just stared at me,

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