chapter 3: Soul mates

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Vita's POV:
''Take my blood'' Subaru whispered again his mouth was right next to my ear and for some reason I could feel the blood in my cheeks rising, wait I was blushing at close contact with a male? Since when did that ever happened to me,

''but...'' I started but he pulled me into a tighter hug,

''listen I don't want you passing out in my room who know what my brothers would think, I just want to make sure that your gonna be okay I promise I have no ulterior motive like Laito would I....I'm just worried'' he said I listened to every word I could feel through his awkward actions and his quiet voice that this type of thing or emotion was pretty new to him and he didn't really know what to do

''*sigh* okay'' I said with my voice cracking a little at how weak I was getting I moved my hands up to his shoulders and gently moved the fabric of his blazer and top to the side, I bared my fangs and sunk them into his skin and slowly drank his blood, then something weird happened the blood I was drinking turned really sweet and it was pleasant as it ran down my throat. Little sparks started to pop over my skin and the scent of fresh roses hit my nose, I suddenly felt like I didn't want to leave his arms...what the hell.

I could feel Subaru's arms tighten around me as his once tense, nervous body relaxed and not only was I enjoying the feeling of this I think he was feeling it too. I think he was feeling what I was feeling but that would mean... I pulled my fangs out of his skin and pulled back a little so that I was looking into his crimson eyes they were surprised and a small blush formed on his cheeks. I could feel myself start to blush as I looked at him in fact I couldn't tear my eyes away from him he looked so handsome I hadn't thought that at first but now I couldn't see him as anything else

'' soul mate'' he whispered that was it that's why I was feeling what I was. He looked to the ground and I could see that deep down he was feeling the same as I was he had given up on it as a fear of rejection but how could I ever reject him?

''yeah, well I'm not gonna reject the bond but I would understand if you wanted to'' I said looking to the side with a sad smile he tensed up again and then within a split second I was in his arms again he was sitting on the floor with me wrapped up in his arms it really felt like I was meant to be here, so this is the power of a soul mate huh?

When a vampire has found their soul mate if they both accept it then its supposed to be only up from there, just like when werewolves mark their mate and can then sense how they feel and can mind link better with them, vampires have something called a bonding mark that is created with their fangs. Once the female has obtained the mark from the male their bond grows stronger and they can sense their emotions, we can tell where they are for miles away and if they are in danger or not and although we don't have the power of mind link we do get extreamly protective over our marked soul mate just like wolves. You know for being the mortal enemy's that we are, we really do have a lot in common when it comes to this topic.

''Don't be stupid! I know I'm not good with this kind of thing in all retrospect I think my brothers would all be better at this than me even Kanato matter how bad I am with it I want to try it I want to make this work. If we take it at our own pace you know it might work'' he said pulling back and looking into my eyes he was bright red at our contact with me still on his lap and I had to admit we were both feeling a bit awkward with it but he wasn't rejecting me,

''okay I agree with you so I accept my soul mate'' I said blushing, this was something we had to say to make it official and to prove that both members are willing to commit to one another wholeheartedly

''I also....accept my soul mate'' Subaru said still red but at that moment I felt closer to him we had both accepted it now we could just take it slow. It wasn't a necessity to mark your mate at the beginning, the bonding mark could be made at any time both members are ready and I guess that was what he meant by 'take it at our own pace' since both of us were pretty new to the whole showing affection thing.

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