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Riley's POV

I didn't expect anything to come out of me admitting my feelings for Lucas. That's exactly why I told him, because I knew my confession wouldn't change anything.
But now, things are changing. I'm feeling realer and more stronger things, and it's no longer just a love at first sight love story between me and a handsome stranger, it's a real, conflicted, love story between the person I care most about and the best version of myself.
I hated feeling such strong things at 14, because when you're as young as I am, you aren't in the right mind set. You believe things that are untrue and you don't believe things that are true.
It just makes things more complicated, more dramatic, more unreal.
But now, I've come to terms with my feelings and I've learn to except that I do, in fact, have feelings for my best friend, Farkle Mincus.

It took me a long-ass time to realize it, too. It all happened when we were sitting on the playground at the park across from my building.

"Riley, if you had one wish, what would it be?" Farkle asked me, playing with the loose strings on his jacket.
I thought for a moment, unsure of what I should say. The truth, or a sugar coated lie.
"World peace?" I joked, and he playfully socked me in the arm.
"For real. What do you, Riley Matthews, want more than anything else?" he raised his eyebrows suggestively, and I rolled my eyes.
"I want someone." I replied with bluntly.
He raised an eyebrow in reply.
"Someone real. Someone who can hold me when I'm sad, who can take me to the arcade or the movies at 3 in the morning."
"I don't think the arcade or the theater is even open at 3 in the morning," he said, laughing.
I sighed. "Boys don't understand romance."

"They can if they want to. Most just chose not to," he said, our eyes meeting. 
"What do you want more than anything else?" I said, my breath caught in my throat.
"I don't know anymore," he said, our stare breaking. 
At that moment, I felt a warm sensation spread throughout my chest region. I couldn't explain it, other than warm. I don't know why I felt this, but I think I felt love. 

Ever since that day, I've looked at my best friend in a different way.


"You like him, just except it," Maya said, taking a sip of her orange juice.
"I do, it's not like I'm in denial or anything. I just don't want him to know," I replied with, as simply as I could, though I confused myself after I thought about what I had said.
"Tell him how you feel. This is real, Riley. Rucas's short term romance isn't shit compared to... umm.. Riarkle?"
I cringed at how awkward that sounded, but I still felt warmth spread across my cheeks.
"Maybe you're right," I said quietly.
"Of course I'm right. Now, go talk to him," she instructed, pointing her plastic fork over to his table, where he sat with Zay, Lucas, and Isadora.
"It's not that simple, Peaches." 
"Yes, it is. Promise me something," she paused for dramatic effect, "you tell Farkle how you feel within the span of a week."
I sighed. "But-"
"No buts. Promise or no?"
"Fine. I promise," I replied hesitantly. She pumped a fist into the air and cheered.
"Go get 'em tiger!"

Farkle's POV

I couldn't stop thinking about the night at the park. It was constantly replaying in my mind, like a broken record.
The comfortable silence between us, the warmth spreading throughout my body, our gloved hands just centimeters apart...
God, the fact that nothing happened is driving me even more crazy.
Now, weeks later, I'm laying in my bed, Riley in my head, regretting everything.
I wanted to call her and tell her I loved her. I wanted to sneak out to her house and hold her, just like she said that night. I wanted to be that someone that she spent every night wishing for.
But it wasn't that easy. She was my best friend, I was her best friend. And that's all we'll ever be.
My phone buzzed, and I eagerly typed in my password and opened my messaging app.
It was a message from Riley.

I can't sleep

I can't either, I typed in.

It's 11:11. Make a wish

I closed my eyes, and wished with all of my brain capacity that Riley's wish would come true.

Goodnight, Riley. 

Goodnight, xx

I reread our short-lived conversation, smiled to myself, then turned off my phone and dozed off.


The next morning, the principal  announced that there will be a school dance on Friday.
I didn't know how to think, I wanted desperately to go with Riley to see what it felt like having her so close to my chest.

But at the same time, I didn't want to ask her because, well, she's probably going with Lucas.
At lunch, I made an effort to bring up to dance as much as possible.

"So, about the dance. Are you going?" I asked my small group of friends, while taking a bit of my sandwich.
"Nah, I don't do dances," Maya said. 
Lucas shook his head. "I only do rodeos."
"I'm going," Zay said, winking at me. I playfully punched him in the arm.
"I am too," Riley said, smiling. 
I immediately felt my face heat up. 
"Hey, here's a bright idea," Zay said, looking at me then at Riley then back at me again. 
"Why don't we all go together?"
I shrugged. "Why not?"
"Okay," Riley said.
Maya nudged Riley, and she shot her a stern look.

"Can't wait," Zay said.

Riley's POV

I could practically hug Zay for suggesting that we all go together. I knew I was too much of a wuss to ask Farkle, so this was the easiest way to get him near me at the dance.

Friday came so fast, before I knew it I was throwing on my short blue floral dress with a pair of leggings and black combat boots.
I curled my hair and looked at my reflection on my closet mirror. I gasped at how different I looked. I looked... well, pretty!
I smiled, then walked outside and waited for the boys to pick me up.
After waiting for a good ten minutes, I called Zay and turns out, Farkle's dad would be picking us up instead of Zay's.
"You look beautiful as always, Miss Matthews," his dad said, as soon as I put on my seatbelt. Farkle did a once-over and smiled. "You do," he replied, almost a whisper.
Zay nodded, then put in his earbuds.

When we arrived, we had to show our school IDs and give the chaperones $5.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2016 ⏰

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